Chapter 1

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It was a seemingly normal day at the start. I woke up, showered, checked to see if I could find a case to work then headed to my regular job. It was warm today, the sun shining brightly down as I walked across the parking lot and toward the diner where I worked. 

I glanced around, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder. I glance down at my outfit, brushing off imaginary dirt from the skirt of my mid-thigh yellow dress I had to wear. Before entering the restaurant, I lean down to adjust the hilt of the knife that was sticking out of my combat boot. We cannot have someone seeing that. 

The first half of my shift goes by as it usually does. But it wasn't until Millie had rushing back into the kitchen, smiling brightly that I thought something was up. I had two plates, one in each hand as I walked back out.

"You have somebody at table four." Millie tells me. 

"Okay." I nod. "I'll get to them."

Millie and I had certain tables. That was Millie's doing, she had an OCD thing about that. I didn't quite understand, but it was fine. So between the two of us, we had assigned tables. "You have to hurry." She insisted.

"Okay, okay." I smiled, slightly concerned as to why she was so adamant on me rushing things. I set the two plates down in front of the older couple that comes every Friday for lunch. "We all good?" I ask them, smiling.

"Yes, dear. Thank you." Mrs. Harper reached up to pat my hand. 

"Alright, I hope you enjoy." I smile, turning on my heel and almost running into Millie. 

Millie raised her hand, messing with my hair before unbuttoning another button at the top of my dress. 

"Mils, stop it." I swat at her hand, adjusting the top of my dress. "What's gotten into you?" I step around her, pulling out the small notepad as I walk toward table four. Without bringing my eyes up, I ask, "What can I get you today?"

"Just a chat." A familiar voice replied.  I look up to see Dean sitting there, his arms resting against the table he sat at. It's been a month and a half since I'd seen him. 

"Oh my gosh." I laugh, smiling as he stood. "Dean, you're here." I throw my arms around his neck, probably making a scene in the middle of the diner. 

Dean chuckled, arms snaking around my waist. I smile as his sent invades my nostrils and making me sigh. I pulled back. "You never said you were stopping by." I state as he sat back down. 

"Wanted it to be a surprise." Dean shrugged his shoulders, leaning against the table. "Your break starts in a few minutes, wanna get out of here?"

The way he said that reminded me of the days were that held so many possibilities. I glance down at my watch. He was right, I only had about two more minutes before I got thirty off. I didn't know he knew my schedule. 

"Yeah." I glance over my shoulder to Millie. She waved her hand, telling me to go ahead. "Come on, let's go."


"So, what brings you back?" I ask Dean as he led me across the parking lot. 

"Uh, well, I need your help." Dean shoved his hands in his pockets, eyes everywhere but mine. 

My chest tightened and panic flared, spreading through my veins like ice. "What is it?" I ask as we stop by his 1967 Chevy Impala. 

"Listen, Si, uh, my dad, he's missing." Dean finally looked up and met my eyes. "And I need you to help me find him." 

"Of course, I'll help." I gave Dean a smile, trying to comfort him. "Just give me a minute, I'll take care of this." I gesture to the building behind me. "Meet me at my house. I have to grab a few things."

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