Chapter 50

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  When I came to, my head was throbbing. I felt hot blood pouring from the side of my head and my shoulder. My hands were tied behind my back. 

"Hey, Sam." Dean says. "Don't take this the wrong way, but your girlfriend is a bitch." 

I look over to see Dean just a few feet away with blood pouring down his face and neck from a cut above his eye. 

"The whole thing was a trap." Sam realizes. "Running into you at the bar, following you here, hearing what you had to say. It was all a set-up, wasn't it? And that the victims were from Lawrence?"

Meg laughed. "It doesn't mean anything. It was just to draw you in, that's all." 

"You killed those two people for nothing."

"Baby, I've killed for a lot more for a lot less."

"You trapped us, good for you." Dean says. "It's Miller time. Why don't you kill us already." 

"Not very quick on the uptake, are we?" Meg asked.

"Well, to be fair, we have been pretty distracted by...personal matters." I spoke up. "The last thing we were thinking about was you or your demon gang."

Meg leaned forward. "This trap isn't for you." 

"Dad." Sam realizes. "It's a trap for dad."

"Oh, sweetheart, you're dumber than you look." Dean shook his head. "'Cause even if dad was in town--which he is not--he wouldn't walk into something like this. He's too good." 

"He is pretty good, I'll give you that." Meg admitted. She stood, moving to Dean. She kneels by him. "But you see, he has one weakness."

"What's that?" Dean asked, just as calm and cool as ever. I admired that about him. How no matter the situation, he kept his cool. 

"You." Meg says. "He lets his guard down around his boys. Let's his emotions cloud his judgement. I happen to know he is in town. And he'll come and try to save you. And then the Daevas will kill everybody. Nice and slow and messy." 

"Well, I got news for you. It's gonna take a lot more than a shadow to kill him." Dean stated, and though he was good at hiding it, I could still see a glint of worry flicker through his eyes. 

"The Daevas are in the room, here. They're invisible. Their shadows are just the only part you can see." Meg pointed out. 

"Why are you doing this, Meg? What kind of deal you got worked out here, huh?" Sam asked. "And with who?"

"I'm doing this for the same reasons you do what you do." Meg says. "Loyalty. Love. Like the love you have for mommy and Jess."

"Go to hell." Sam hisses. 

"Baby, I'm already there." Meg moved toward Sam. "Come on, Sam. There's no need to be nasty." She leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I think we both know how you really feel about me."

"Uh, I'd like to let it be known I am very uncomfortable right now." I laughed nervously, turning my eyes to the floor and blocking out the rest of what Meg has to say. 

"Get a room, you two." I heard Dean mutter. 

"I think I'm gonna throw up." I mumbled. 

"Concussion or that?" Dean asked, nodding toward Sam and Meg.

"Little bit of both, I think." 

A small noise made Meg pull away from Sam and move toward Dean. She knelt, pulling the switchblade from Dean's hand and tossing it across the room. 

Haunted {Dean Winchester 1}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن