Chapter 39

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A/N: I would like to apologize in advance for what is about to aspire. Thank you and goodnight.

Route 666

"No, I told you. I am not talking to her. Not on the phone, no in person, not ever." I tell Jake. "Look, I get it. You want to repair your relationship with Laura, but I don't have one to fix. So..." 

I snapped my phone shut as Jake was mid-sentence. I was done arguing over this. I didn't need nor did I want to talk to her. 

"Okay, I think I found a way we can bypass that construction." Sam began, still looking down at the map as we all stood in a gas station parking lot. 

Dean was also on the phone, standing quietly a few feet away. 

Was that sketchy? Yes. Was it just me picking up on it? Seemingly. Am I being dramatic? Probably. Could this be one of my psychic moments predicting my misery? HA! Unlikely, but it's funny to think about.

"Just east of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam continued. 

"Yeah. Problem is we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean says, shoving his phone in his pocket as he walked around the car. 

"What? Why not?" I asked. 

"Just got a call from a, uh...old friend. Her father died last night." Dean explained. "Thinks it might be our kind of thing."

Oh no. Dean is not simply 'old friends' with many women. Definitely not that hesitantly. 

I think I spoke to soon about this being my misery. 

"What?" Sam asked. 

"No. Believe me, she never would have called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean got in the car.

That was the last clue. I knew who it was. I knew she wasn't simply an 'old friend.' I hated this already. 

"Come on, you coming or what?" Dean called out.

I wanted to say no. I wanted to get on the next bus that went as far away from Dean and this woman as it possibly could. 


"By 'old friend', you mean...?" Sam trails off.

"A friend that's not new." Dean answered. 

"Yeah, thanks." Sam nodded. 

I sank into my seat, arms crossed over my chest. I reach over, digging through my bag until my fingers brush against the glass. I pull out the bottle of Jim Beam. This is going to be a long, long day. 

"So her name's Cassie, huh?" Sam asked.

Why don't you just kill me?

"You never mentioned her." Sam continued. 

I know it was kind of hypocrite of me to have a grudge against the woman because her and I were one in the same. Bitches. Horrible people who hurt Dean. I hated us both. 

Though I hated myself even more for it, I did like Millie's theory she came up with when this was all happening. She said that Cassie was just Dean's rebound from me. Now was it slightly egotistical of me to like that idea? Yes. It was.

But, as I stated before, I already hate myself. So what's one more flaw to the list? Did I actually believe Millie's theory? No. Did I want to? Desperately. 

Not long after Dean and I broke up, Sam had left for college. It was a rough time for all of us. Not long after that, Dean and Cassie happened. I had never hated life more than I did in those few weeks. 

Haunted {Dean Winchester 1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora