Chapter 18

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Hook Man

I stumbled back into the motel room, giggling as I tripped over my own feet. 

"Saige?" Dean asked, standing up from the bed. "What are you doing?"

I stop, eyes wide, caught like a deer in headlights. "Uh...nothing...?" I bite back another laugh at the confusion on Dean's face.

I stumbled forward, raising the bottle of liquor to my lips.

"Saige, are drunk?" Dean asked, baffled.

"Shhhh, don't tell anyone." I giggle quietly, pressing my finger to Dean's lips. "It'll be our little secret, 'kay?"

He caught my wrist, gently lowering it from his face. "Saige, you've never been drunk in your life. What's going on?"

I scoff. "I don't know why I haven't got drunk before. This is fun."

"Are you okay?" Dean asked me.

"Oh, totally." I say, pushing myself up and sling one arm around his shoulder. "You know, I wish we would've worked out."

"Si, you're drunk--"

"No, listen, seriously." I set the bottle down and place my hand over his mouth. "There." I smile. "That's better. As I was saying before you interrupted--rude, by the way--I think about the what ifs all the time. You and me. Where we would be. What the shifter said got me thinking, though." 

I move my hand to take another swig from the bottle of alcohol. "I'm sorry if I lead you on. I....Sometimes I want there to be an us again. Then you go and hit on other women, and I convince myself that we--we just don't work and I'm fine. You know, I had a blast doing karaoke to I Hate Myself For Loving You tonight. Kind of fitting, don't you think?" I laughed a little. 

I look up at Dean. "I miss us, Dean."

"Don't say that to me." Dean whispered. "Not now. Not when you're so wasted you can hardly stand up. You don't really mean it." 

I smiled a little. "You know, if I were a better woman, I'd say all this when I'm sober and you'd believe me. If I weren't like my mother...I don't know. Maybe we would've worked out."

Dean sighed. "It's a good thing you won't remember this in the morning." 

I press closer to Dean, eyes fluttering shut. "Will you kiss me? Just once."

Dean didn't reply, didn't move. I open my eyes to see him staring at me. "Ask me again when you're not wasted. Maybe I will."


I groan, readjusting my sunglasses that I wore. "I am never getting drunk again." 

Dean chuckled, the sound making me warm. "First hangover ain't that fun, huh, Saige?"

I glare at him, making him laugh again. "Asshole." I mutter, grabbing my coffee cup. "I didn't do anything embarrassing last night, did I? It's all a blur."

Dean shook his head. "Nope. All I know is you came back to the motel and crashed. Didn't say a thing, just," he clicked his tongue, "out like a light." 

"Okay. Good." I sighed as Dean turned back to the laptop open in front of him. 

"Your half-calf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Fransis." Dean chuckled as Sam walked over to the table. 

"Bite me." Sam replied, sitting down. 

"So anything?" Dean asked. 

Sam shook his head. "I even checked the FBI's missing person date bank. No John Does fitting dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations."

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