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The next morning, Jimin was drinking his coffee on the kitchen bar, while Johnsen showered. His hair was a mess, his eyes sleepy and his neck covered with hickeys. Taehyung followed by Hobi came inside and served himself and his friend some cake from the fridge. His back was facing Jimin so he couldn't see him interact silently with Hobi.

(communication with hand signals or mouthed words)

Jimin: how is Tae's chest

Hoseok: You beat to a plump

Jimin: Sorry

Hoseok: Forget it, I applied some cream and put some bandage, nothing too deep.

Jimin: Okay, thank-

"Do you want more?" Taehyung asked Hoseok making them pretend they were doing nothing behind his back.

"No, that's enough, thanks bro!" Hoseok said overly excited in the morning. "Can I get some milk though?" He asked with a huge forced smile. Taehyung sighed and handed him a glass of milk. Taehyung sat on the counter while Hobi sat just across Jimin, they ate in silence until Johnsen arrived and greeted Hoseok. Hoseok's eyes went wide. "Johnsen? Fancy seeing you here." Taehyung snorted, he knew this tone of Hobi, it was just a façade, to hide his judging eyes and sarcasm.

Jimin cut in "Would you like to eat some cake?"

Taehyung asked deep in his thoughts "Where did you get this one? It's nice." Jimin looked at him with eyes that said 'Really, Hyung?' before answering him "I made it" Taehyung choked at the reply, quickly taking a sip of water. Johnsen said "If it was made by you darling, I wouldn't refuse," and he winked. Jimin chuckled cutting a piece of cake from the fridge and giving it to his boyfriend. Being a witness to all of the interactions, Hoseok didn't even try to hide his disgusted face. Yep, no wonder Taehyung fought with Jimin yesterday he thought, it would be worse if he had a brother and came to know that he was dating Johnsen.

Hoseok quickly finished his breakfast before pulling Taehyung to his room. "What the fuck! Johnsen? You didn't even tell me yesterday." He whispered shouted.

Taehyung shrugged, taking his bag "You didn't ask."

"But that dude's shady af. You really gonna let him near your brother?" At this, Taehyung glared at Hobi, who glared back. "I told him the entire story, and he didn't believe me, I mean I understand I went away why would he believe me?" Hobi relaxed his shoulders, he was right, they could do nothing. Taehyung turned towards the door and glanced at Hoseok behind his shoulder before saying "I think it's best if we don't push him. He will know by himself." He sighed before adding, "Come, let's go" Hobi nodded, and followed him.

On their way to college, Taehyung remembered something he didn't tell Hobi. He pressed his lips together to refrain himself from smiling overly. Hoseok noticed him and gave him a side-eye. At this Taehyung laughed, he couldn't restrain himself. "Hoba... Hoba" he called his friend in between laughs. "What?!" His friend replied annoyed at being the victim of suspense. Taehyung stopped smiling and blushed pressing his lips together again. "I kissed him."

To say Hobi's eyes were wide, was an understatement. They were on the ground, with his mouth. "What?" He started jumping grabbing Taehyung's arm. Yes, Hoseok had started to ship them together unconsciously. "How was it, tell me. Taehyung!!" Hoseok was shouting in excitement, while Taehyung was smirking to himself.

"Hyung, his lips, they were so soft." Taehyung finally said in admiration. Hobi giggled next to him, throwing his shoulder on his friend. "Is that why you were beaten?" Taehyung nodded, "It was worth it." He whispered before smiling, He loved those plump lips. Now he had to think about ways to make him understand his love for him.


In the meantime, Jimin was uncomfortable, he hadn't failed to notice Hoseok Hyung's change of behavior when he found out it was Johnsen his lover, and not someone else. He kept asking himself questions. What if, Taehyung was right? What if it was just for a bet? His thoughts were cut off when Johnsen kissed his left cheek "What's wrong baby?" Jimin just shook his head. Johnsen chuckled "Tell me pretty please?" He asked again making puppy eyes, Jimin smiled and pecked his lips, "It's nothing, really. Shall we go?" He asked changing the subject. Johnsen nodded and intertwined his fingers with Jimin's on the way to college.

They met up again after class, at lunch in the cafeteria. "Jimin."


"What's wrong, tell me."

"No, it's nothing."

"Okay, then tell me, why aren't you talking, why aren't you looking into my eyes, why do you look uncomfortable whenever I am next to you? What happen-"

"Hyung!, I'm just tired. And my head hurts, I might leave just after eating." Jimin mumbled the last part, Johnsen sighed and ruffled Jimin's hair. "Do you want me to drop you?"

"No, it's okay Hyung, it's not that far," Jimin said forcing a smile. They ate in silence before Johnsen accompanied Jimin to the gate "Rest a bit." He said caressing his boyfriend's cheek. Jimin leaned to the touch and nodded. "See you tomorrow Hyung." Johnsen smiled and pecked Jimin's lips, "See you tomorrow Minnie." At this, Jimin went back home and laid on his bed without changing himself. He was so tired.


Taehyung got home, it was almost 7 pm. He wondered if Jimin was back, or if he was sleeping over at Jungkook's or Johnsen's. He decided to check his brother's room, he knocked, but there was no answer, he slowly pushed the door open and saw Jimin lying uncomfortably on his bed, the room completely dark. He sighed before walking to the bed and whispering "Jimin...?" Jimin groaned in response, "Do you want to eat?" Jimin groaned again, and then there was silence. Taehyung sighed. He decided to shake him up, but when he touched him, he felt the heat of Jimin's body. "Oh shit!" he panicked.

He decided to turn on the lamp in the corner of the room to avoid blinding both of their eyes. Before going back to Jimin and dammit he couldn't do anything unless he had consent. So he shook Jimin, who groaned again, Taehyung decided to ask, "Jimin, you're heating up, I need you to remove your clothing and take a bath." Jimin hummed but didn't move. Taehyung ran to the bathroom and let warm water flow from the pipe filling the bathtub. He went back to Jimin's room and pulled Jimin into a seated position. While he removed his jacket and T-shirt, He removed his jeans and decided to not remove his underwear while Jimin wasn't fully aware of it. He then, carried him bridal style to the bathroom and gently paced him in the bathtub. He caressed Jimin's face, before washing it with some water. Jimin was silently watching him take care of him. Taehyung checked the water temperature, before standing up. "I'll leave, relax, and call me when you're done." Jimin nodded. "Where are you going?" He asked in a low raspy voice. "I'll make you some porridge and I'll be back". Jimin hummed, "V Hyung..." Taehyung stopped in his tracks, smiled, and turned "Hmm?"

"Thank you," Jimin said with a small smile. Taehyung came to Jimin, and kissed the top of his head, Jimin grimaced dramatically, "Anything for you baby" Taehyung whispered after laughing with Jimin before getting up and moving to the kitchen.

For someone like Taehyung to make porridge was like climbing a cliff with skaters on. He managed to burn the porridge twice. He sighed, it was hopeless. But then he decided to call Hobi to help him. "Hoba, how do you make porridge can you guide me, pleeeeaaaasee?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you called me just for that?" Taehyung laughed awkwardly. "Just look at recipes, you idiot!"

"I did, but it came out burnt twice," Taehyung whined fake crying.

Hoseok sighed "I swear, I don't know how you survive. Okay, place your camera at a good angle so I can see what you're doing properly." Taehyung obeyed

He was guided by Hoseok, and he smiled proudly when the finished result looked beyond what he had hoped. 

A/N: Tae is me in the kitchen ;-; 

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