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Taehyung and Jimin were always compared as the best sibling relationships in their family. They would never neglect each other, they cared for each other even though they liked to roast the other, or tease... They always found ways to reconcile after fights, and they often couldn't stay mad for more than 24 hours. They still slept in the same room, even if their parents had given them each one. Overall, their relationship was a golden one.

However, that all came to an end when Taehyung went on a class trip in 11th grade. At that time, Jimin was in 9th grade. Taehyung was away for one week and would only return on Saturday evening. Jimin was eagerly waiting for his brother's return, he had finished his homework in advance just so he could hear his older brother's adventures. When Taehyung entered the door with his father, he jumped to his neck to hug him. Taehyung hugged him too, rubbing his back.

"I missed you," Jimin mumbled on Taehyung's shoulder on the verge of crying out of joy. "Me too" he replied. But his heart clenched, he didn't want to say it as brothers would.

During his trip, Taehyung, while away from Jimin started to miss his presence to the point that he even dreamed about holding his brother in his arms, going out with him, hearing about his school days... At first, he brushed these weird thoughts, thinking it was because he had just separated from Jimin. That was until the night before when his dream took a different turn: Jimin had teased him for being unathletic when they were both watching ice skating on TV, lying on the floor rug in the living room. And to tease him back, Taehyung started tickling him and ended up straddling his younger brother unconsciously. Jimin suddenly stopped laughing and gazed deeply into Taehyung's eyes who stared back. In a split second Jimin pulled Taehyung's neck to him and pressed his lips to the elder's. Taehyung was so surprised that he woke up. He couldn't sleep after that. His friend who shared a tent with him, sensed Taehyung's movement before he woke up and saw Taehyung sitting next to him, his face full of sweat, and biting his nails.

"What's wrong Tae?" His friend had asked.

"I had a weird dream." Taehyung's voice was nothing more than just a whisper.

"What was it, man?" His friend Hoseok pressed stressing over the suspense, and the cliffhanger Taehyung was leaving.

"I dreamed of someone kissing me," He said finally meeting Hoseok's gaze.

"Yeah, so what? It means you have feelings for them. I mean I dream of fucking Yoongi all the time" He replied giggling only for Taehyung to roll his eyes.

"But you have a crush on him, it's different."

"Hey Tae, who was it?" Hoseok asks in excitement, happy that for once Taehyung seemed to have feelings.

Taehyung glanced away, he was so ashamed of himself. He didn't want to see the look of horror on Hoseok's face.

"Tae, ..." Hoseok whispered back worry in his tone this time. He used his finger to turn Taehyung's face towards him and make him look into his eyes. "You know you can tell me, I won't judge you..." He reassured him with a smile.

Taehyung sighed and muttered "My brother." Hoseok's jaw dropped, he wasn't prepared for this. But he didn't judge Taehyung (A/N: surprisingly) instead he hugged him. "It must be an error, you probably dreamed of someone else but thought it was your brother." Taehyung hummed, this was the only logical explanation.


Jimin got down from Taehyung and pulled his hand towards the kitchen taking something out of the fridge, while Taehyung was filling a glass with water, "I made your favorite cake, V hyung" Jimin said as he smirked with his tongue out and winked with the strawberry tart in his hand, V almost spurted the water he had in his mouth. Before muttering an "Eww... But thanks for the tart" He said ruffling his brother's hair and taking a strawberry out of the tart before sitting on the kitchen bar. Jimin follows his action sitting in front of him.

"Why did you say eww then?"

"For this," He said poorly imitating Jimin's smirk.

Jimin fell off his chair while laughing when their parents came in and sat next to them wondering what happened for Jimin to be on the floor still laughing while trying to say "Hyung..." but failing to.

Trying to change the subject, Taehyung said "Let's eat this now, shall we, I'll take his part too" Their parents laugh a little before his mother brings a knife with which Taehyung divides the cake, while Jimin tries to sit properly clenching his stomach. "I want my part" he whines between laughs, Taehyung glares at him and Jimin tries to suppress his laugh by pressing his lips together.

After eating the tart, while Taehyung talked about his trip to the forest, Jimin and Taehyung went to their room, more precisely Taehyung's room where they ended up always sleeping in to be together. Jimin took the mattress that was well folded from Taehyung's closet and settled it on the floor before flopping on it. Looking at Taehyung lying on his bed, scrolling through social media. Jimin whispered, "I love you Hyung." Before closing his eyes thinking Taehyung couldn't hear him. But Taehyung did, and he froze on these words, bits of his dream returning to his mind. I love you too Jimin Taehyung thought, he bent down from his bed and brushed through Jimin's hair saying "Good night," Jimin just hummed in response too sleepy to say anything else. Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness.

A/N: Hi :)

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