Ch. 8 | His what?

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People called me a fuckboy for a reason. I'd change girls like a pair of shoes. None lasted more than two weeks. Of course, I didn't like to be called a fuckboy, but at some point, I think I kind of...lived up to it. I acted like a fuckboy because in my subconscious I was already one, considering my title.

Claire was the only girl that had lasted six months. I didn't even like her that much, but she had that hold on me. A hold no other girl had, to last. Then when she cheated on me multiple times, that is when I knew I was wrong. She was just manipulative and I was the victim. Hence, my hatred for long-term relationships.

Though I do feel sorry for the man who'd end up with Claire. He would have to have a brick wall to compose all that exasperation and anger she raises in male hormones.

Claire D'Zouse was your typical spoiled, rich, daddy's girl. She hated it when people didn't obey her. She wanted everyone to cater to her every whim and couldn't tolerate any kind of dissent. I don't know how I ended up dating that kind of a woman.

"Riv," her voice was soft yet it pierced through my patience "Long time no see." Nostalgia hit me with a hint of annoyance. I loathed that voice. Thought I would never hear it. I didn't want it. I didn't want to relive the moments with her, but as always my ego had the best of me.

"What do you want Claire?" I tried to mask my irritation, but my voice came out sharp and curt.

"Ooo, why so grumpy?" she settled beside me touching my arm playfully, I jerked my hand away "Guess you didn't miss me like I did, then?" she said, trying to act all cute and hurt.

I signed "I see you haven't changed a bit." A sarcastic smile played across my lips.

She mirrored my expression and shot it back like a dart "I see you haven't either."

"What do you want Claire?" I asked again, my patience wearing thin. Claire leaned back, crossed her arms and gave me a mischievous grin. "I just wanted to catch up, see how you've been," she replied casually. "But if you're not interested, I can leave."

"I'm not interested." I got up and was about to walk away when Claire called out, "I'm getting married."

I halt. She was getting married. As far as I knew, Claire would rather drive off a cliff than get married. Why is she getting married? To whom? And why is she telling me this?

"Okay." my curiosity composed "And? Do I have a reason to know?" by the time I turned to face her again she was already standing near me. Her mischievous smile had turned into a genuine look of desperation. "A reason to know?" her gaze met my eyes. "I loved you, River. It was-"

"Oh please," I interrupted her atrocious excuse "Cut me some slack!" She felt anything but love towards me. Love she says? My ass.

She signed, "I want you to come."

That's it? She wants me to come and expect me to do what? Be all pathetic and slump myself? Oh, fuck no.

I scoffed. "Bye Claire." I turned around and walked away. What was she doing here anyway? Judging by the look on her face when she saw me, I'm pretty sure that she didn't know I was here too, so she definitely wasn't here to tell me about her wedding. I couldn't care less about her reasons for being here, but I wasn't about to stick around to find out. As I walked away, finally getting out of her presence, she walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm "You're such a coward."

"Coward? You are calling me a coward?" I stopped in my tracks, anger boiling inside me. "Look in the fucking mirror, Claire," I yelled rather loudly, turning a few heads "You know what, I don't even have time for this. I'm not playing your games anymore." I seethed, yanking my arm away from her grasp. My skin burned at her touch, almost as if it were something toxic. I needed to get away from her before things escalated even further.

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