Twilight-His Timing was Everything Pt.2//Jacob Black

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Felicity's P.O.V
My knees ached as I scrubbed at the forest green paint, staining my bedroom carpet. The yellowy light of my ceiling globe tinted the room in an uncomfortable manner that made me feel both tired, and stifled. It was dark outside, and my window was open, the bone deep chill of Canada's crisp air filtered in, and lessened the toxic smell of the hairspray. According to the internet hairspray removed water based paint from fabric. Granted I'd been working with oil paints and had already scrubbed it with warm, soapy, water, it was actually working. My wrist was tired and sore, having only one hand to work with was already growing old.

I swiped my upper lip with the back of my hand, to remove the light layer of sweat there, before deciding the spot looked as good as it was gonna get. I tossed the cloth I'd been using, onto my desk, and stood with a yawn, my eyes fluttering tiredly. Running through the woods, crying your eyes out, and scrubbing carpet was really tiring.

Something rustled in the forest, a little beyond my window, and I stepped closer to squint out into the dark. I didn't spot anything at first, as it was hard to see when I had a light on in my room, and the moon barely shone. But then two spots glinted, the light of my bedroom reflecting off of dark eyes, as light rustling revealed the large russet wolf from earlier. I sucked in a breath of shock, half believing I'd imagined him in my distressed state. A small smile tugged at the edges of my mouth, as I moved to place my good hand against the flyscreen of my window. The wolf pressed his wet nose against my palm, and I giggled.

"Hey boy." The wolf huffed through his nose at me and my smile widened. My eyes softened at the edges, and my lids drooped in relaxed weariness. I glanced to my bed and felt it calling me, my limbs growing heavy at the idea of finally ending this day. I turned back to the massive wolf, pulling my hand back.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay." It wasn't really a question, more of a statement, and I slid my window shut, drawing the curtains, before heading for bed, more than keen to rest up for school on Monday.

I woke up early, and struggled to get dressed with one hand, settling for tracksuit pants, a t-shirt, and a heavy, woolie, jacket, wrestling with a pair of socks, before shoving my feet into my boots. Unable to fix my messy ponytail from yesterday, I pulled it out, brushed it, and left it down, pulling a light beanie on.

I left my room on silent feet, taking longer than usual to make myself toast, and a hot chocolate, before scarfing it down in the hopes of going out to find the giant wolf I'd met yesterday, and who'd obviously followed me home.

A part of me knew it was not a normal wolf, and definitely something I shouldn't go looking for, but the larger part of me, couldn't care less, and honestly didn't want to ask any questions, or know any hard to handle truths. I just wanted to pet the nice doggy. And if that doggy was a giant, man-eating hell-hound, well, at least he was soft, and had yet to try and eat me.

The air was crisp, and bit at my exposed skin, making me grateful for my beanie, and jacket. It wasn't winter, and we wouldn't be getting snow anytime soon, but the early mornings were still cold this far North. I trudged through the wet grass of the backyard, before entering the woods, thanking the early sunrises, and the light it provided. I wasn't sure how far I'd have to go to find my wolf friend, but it turned out, not very far at all. It appeared the brown wolf hadn't strayed far from the house since last night. I spotted him curled up in the bow of a particularly large tree's roots, dew glinting off his fur in the early morning light. 

"Hey beautiful." I said softly as I stopped to stare down at the magical creature. Surely he was evidence of more mystical things. Things that went bump in the night. I shook my head, it wasn't something I wanted to know. His ears twitched at my voice, and I stood still, a little distance away, so as not to spook him. His lids lulled open, and when he spotted me, his head perked up as he looked at me with those dark intelligent eyes. I took a half step backwards when he climbed to his feet, my heart pounding heavily in my chest, my head clear enough to force my body into a more rational reaction of fear. The horse sized wolf took one step towards me, before vigorously shaking like a wet dog. I squealed and giggled as water flicked everywhere, dampening my clothes and wetting my face. I shielded my face from the water and squeezed my eyes shut, only to receive a wet nose to my cheek. Adrenaline thrummed in my veins as I opened my eyes, assessing my large fury friend as he nuzzled against my face and neck. I calmed my breathing, forcing my bodily reactions to calm down, telling myself I was safe.

I reached my hand up, and cautiously ran it through his fur. The wolf didn't flinch, and continued to bump me with his nose, rubbing his face against me as I let out a breathless laugh. With renewed confidence, I brought my broken hand up too, letting my stiff, exposed fingers, run against his soft fur. The wolf pulled away, and stared at my injured hand. I smiled softly, and held the cast up for him to see, my other hand still lost in the fur of his head. He sniffed it, before whining and pushing his head into my chest. I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart racing. Slowly, I moved both arms up, to sit as much around his head as they could.

"Thanks buddy." I whispered, leaning down to close my eyes, and rest my face in his warm fur. We stood there for a few moments, his large, warm head pressed against me. It was comforting, and I found myself realising how ironic it was that I felt safer with a giant mythical wolf, then I every did in my own home. I pulled back from the embrace and stared down at the creature, meeting it's deep eyes. 

"You can understand me, can't you?" I asked, my heart beat picking up again, as I stared at the creature in curious wonder, almost afraid to ask any questions, in fear of the answers. Whether I feared he understood me, or that he didn't, I couldn't say. The wolf took a half step backwards before nodding his big head up and down slightly. My heart leapt into my throat, my pulse quickened, and I sucked in a deep breath through my nose, trying to remain calm, and slow my rapid mind. I opened my mouth but closed it again, before raising my arms as I mimicked my breath, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, my eyes sealed shut, as I focused on my breath. When I felt I'd calmed myself enough to no longer feel light headed, I opened my eyes. I had to look down, as the large wolf had dropped onto his belly, and was laying before me, his big head rested on his paws as he looked up at me. He let out a series of whinnies like a crying puppy. My shoulders drooped, and I gave a small smile. 

"Alright boy." I crouched down to scratch behind his ear with my good hand. "I still like you. After all, you haven't tried to eat me yet." The wolf pulled from my hand and huffed, staring at me, in almost a glare, if it were possible for a wolf to glare. Then again, it wasn't possible for a wolf to be the size of a horse, until yesterday, or for a wolf to understand human English until today. I laughed and he bumped me with his nose, knocking me off balance. I tipped backwards and landed on my butt, glad I'd only been crouching. 

"Alright, alright. You're not going to eat me, I get it." I laughed out as he finally pulled back, no longer attempting to push me over with his snout. I chuckled once more, rubbing his head with my good hand. "Good boy." I let out a stuttered laugh when he huffed and turned his head away from me.

"What?" I laughed out, "You are a boy, aren't you?" I glanced around his large head, to check, but he butted me with his snout again, blocking my view as he glared at me, and shifted his hind legs. I chuckled and raised both hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. You're a boy, you just don't like being called a good boy." I stated with a smile. The wolf huffed happily, and laid his head on my lap.

"So, you're a bad boy." He raised his head to give me a very deadpanned look, and I laughed again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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