BBC Merlin- Unexpected Saviour

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"Merlin, this isn't the sort of thing you can run late for!" Arthur hissed through his teeth as he marched down the halls of Powys' castle, as Merlin hurried to attach the Prince's cape as they moved.

"It's not my fault I couldn't find my way around in an unfamiliar castle." Merlin jibed back, as he finished fastening the red fabric. Merlin had, had a bad feeling about this trip since the moment Uther had stepped into Arthur's chambers, and declared a journey was to be made to Powys for the settling of a peace treaty.

Long had Powys and Camelot shared a border, and even longer had Powys sort to encroach on Camelot's land. They were only staying for two nights, as the treaty was discussed and assessed. Uther had told Arthur that it would be a great test of his leadership to see to the task, in the King's place. Naturally the young Prince had jumped at the opportunity to make his father proud.

The bumbling pair stopped at the large wooden doors, taking a moment to collect themselves, before Arthur pushed them open, marching in with the regality of a natural born leader, as Merlin stumbled in behind him, ducking off the the side, and stopping next to another servant.

The large room was three stories up, and lined with huge glass windows, allowing the natural light to reflect off the long, vibrant, green flags, that hung between each of the windows. The flags hung from the ceiling and reached the floor, the silver Raven, the Kingdoms crest, embroidered in the centre of each, it's wings curving up to form a circular symbol.

At a large wooden table, the King of Powys, Augustinian, stood from his seat at the head, moving to greet the Prince, with a clasp of his hand, and a firm shake.

"Prince Arthur. Powys is honoured to have you here, though I was however, expecting the King." Augustinian had a deep, and gruff voice, and a dark messy beard, littered with greys. His hair was in matching disarray, long dark curls tangled together.

The King of Powys looked out of place in his vibrant green tunic, grey pants, and silver cape, the crown on his head almost appearing too small. Augustinian looked far more like a barbarian warrior than a King.

"The King sends his good wishes, and hopes this treaty can benefit both our lands." Arthur bristled at the comment, but tried to appear indifferent as they took their seats. The Prince glanced around, noticing two guards posted at the wall behind the King, and breifly scolded his own men for not being present. Augustinian waved a hand, and a young woman moved from the wall behind the Prince, a pitcher of wine in her hands. Arthur glanced back at Merlin, as the woman filled both their glasses, and the King picked up the paperwork before him.

The Prince flinched in surprise as the maid turned too quickly, hitting him in the shoulder with the pitcher. She swiftly placed the jug on the table.

"I am so sorry your Highness." She rushed out in panic as she quickly sunk to her knees, head bowed.

"No please, it's fine." Arthur shook his head, and stood from his seat holding both hands out to pull the woman to her feet, as she gripped him with her free one. Augustinian rolled his eyes, and waved his hand.

"Be gone woman!" The maid bowed her head to the King, and then once more to the Prince, before pulling her hand from his, and rushing back to her post, by Merlin. Arthur's brows furrowed as he slid back into his seat, and Augustinian began speaking.

He unfurled his fingers to see a piece of torn parchment. Discreetly unfolding it, his pulse quickened.

It's a trap

Three simple words, and his ears began to ring. With a deep breath Arthur steeled himself, and shifted into action mode. He needed to think fast, but rationally. Augustinian had wanted the King to be here, he hadn't seen his knights since yesterday, they were on the third floor, and practically alone. Augustinian was planning to kill him, right here, right now.

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