The Hobbit-The Elven King//Tranduil

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A/N: Just a short, kinda storylineless one

She keeps Thorin from getting gold sickness so he doesn't board up the entrance with stone, and he gives what is owed to Bard and the Lake town people, and gives them temporary sanctuary until they can rebuild their own city. Thorin sends word of the incoming Orc army to the Iron Clan, and upon Azriel's advice, Thranduil.

"It's the Elves! The Elves of Mirkwood have come to our aid!" Kili yelled in surprise from the watch tower. Thorin and Azriel took off running towards him to get a good look, the others all following.

"By Valar, they came." Thorin said under his breath in disbelief. Azriel smirked and elbowed him gently in the shoulder.

"I told you it was worth a shot." She bragged as she smirked down at him. He shook his head at her, but she caught the small smile that appeared on his face.

"Lord Thranduil!" Thorin called as the company pushed open the mighty doors to the kingdom of Erobor. Thorin led the company forward, his crown in place, Fili and Kili on either side of him as Azriel hung back with the others.

Thranduil barely dipped his head in respect, sitting proudly at the front of his gold glittering army, on a mighty Elk of rustic brown.

"Thorin." He acknowledged Thorin without title, which didn't go unnoticed by them all, but the Dwarf let it slide, after all, they needed the help if they were to survive the on coming Orc army.

"You came to our aid, and we are eternally greatful." Thorin exclaimed as he forced a smile and opened his arms wide. Azriel noticed Bard stop beside her to witness what was going on, and she smiled at him as she adjusted the satchel on her shoulder. She had a feeling Thranduil would want what was inside.

"You mistake me. I came for what is mine. I owe you no aid." Thranduil said as he looked amongst us all, his eyes meeting Azriel's as briefly as they met the rest. The company, Bard and Azriel, all paused in silence. The female Elfs mind whirred for a moment and she let out a humourless chuckle. Oh no. I'll get you to help yet.

"Hey, hi, yeah ah, over here!" Azriel said as she waved her hands to catch Thranduil's attention from amongst the Dwarf company. Bard looked at her in shock, confused as to what she was doing.

"Sorry. I mean, did you, like, order all your soldiers and, probably reserves as well, to put on their armour, grab their weapons, and march, halfway cross bloody Middle Earth, to tell us, your not gonna fight?" She asked as she stepped up to the front of the group to stare up at Thranduil, who looked very regal atop his giant Elk, only the small river separating them from him and his massive, and apparently pointless, army.

"Like, what? I mean your men must really hate you. They're taking back their 'long live the king's for sure." Azriel said with a chuckle as she stared out over his soldiers. She made eye contact with one and pointed at him. "This guy knows what I'm talking about." She said as she chuckled again and Thranduil glanced down at him. The soldier shook his head, violently disagreeing with her, as Thranduil looked back at her in deep, burning rage.

"How dare you speak to me that way. You insolent, child." Thranduil scorned the woman with a hiss as he shook with anger. She raised a brow and held eye contact, seemingly not intimidated.

"Oh no, I'm speaking truth to your terrible leadership skills." Azriel mocked, "Whatta you gonna do about it? Not help us fight? Oh wait..." She said as she drew out the last two words in a condescending manner. Thranduil looked about ready to bust a blood vessel. Behind her the Dwarves were wetting themselves in laughter, tears springing from their eyes as they doubled over, heavily amused. Thorin, Bilbo and Bard seemed to be the only three keeping it together as they held back their laughter.

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