The Hobbit-Saved by a Halfbreed//Kili

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The Orc pack was becoming overwhelming, and Thorin's company were out manned, and out matched.

An Orc swung its axe, and knocked Kili's sword from his hands. His eyes widened and he ducked its next swing, but tripped over his feet in the setting sunlight. He fell onto his back, hitting the ground hard. The Orc raised its axe, and Kili scrambled backwards, trying to put some distance between the creature and himself, as he struggled to pull an arrow from his back, to at least defend himself long enough for one of the others to spot, and help him.

A feminine battle cry sounded and a dark, female figure, dropped down from the tree above him, slamming a battle axe into the Orcs head, killing it instantly.

Kili's eyes widened in shock at her sudden appearance. She wasted no time, and left the axe in its place, drawing two blades from down facing back sheaths, and sprinting forward. She ducked and weaved like a dancer as she slaughtered the Orcs, practically two at a time. Her force alone overpowered the creatures, and as she glanced back to see an Orc going Kili's way, she spun back to help him again.

Kili pulled out his bow, his sword still out of reach, his shock having kept him from getting back up. Not that she'd needed any help taking them down. He notched an arrow and drew the string, but the Orc cried out as the woman swung low and cut the backs of his knees open, before giving a hard kick to his back. He fell forward and landed head first on the other side of her axe, the very one she'd embedded in the first Orc.

Kili's heart pounded as he breathed heavily, and stared up at the filthy blonde woman, every last Orc in the company, dead. She held out her hand, as the setting sun behind her, silhouetted her like she were a goddess sent from the Heavens to protect him.

"Beautiful." Kili whispered out as he took her callused hand, and she hauled him to his feet. She blushed under the layers of dirt on her tanned skin and pushed, blood and dirt matted hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear, suddenly bashful.

"Oh, ah, thank you. I've actually never looked worse." She said bashfully, as she looked down at him. She wasn't much taller than him, only an inch and a half. Kili shook his head and smiled at her cheekily, having not intended on her hearing him, but still standing by his statement.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. And from someone so handsome." She said a little more confidently, seeing his smirk. Kili straightened proudly, before bowing and holding out his hand to her. She gave it to him, and smiled excitedly as he kissed the grimy back. She giggled still holding his hand.

"Kili. At your service." He introduced himself. The woman smiled brightly and mock curtsied.

"Asta. At yours." She grinned in return before her smile fell and she grimaced.

"I never thought that seeing a handsome man would make me feel so faint." She said almost to herself. Kili spat a laugh as he let her hand go. She smiled sheepishly, but it dropped again, and she swayed slightly on her feet.

As she took a stumbling step forward she winced and hissed through her teeth. Asta gripped her right shoulder and glanced over it, at her back, before looking back at Kili.

"Oh," She said, drawing out the sound in sudden realisation. "I've been stabbed. That make so much mor-" She slurred the 'or' before slowly tilting to the side. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she toppled over. Kili jumped forward and caught her, falling to his knees as he held her by her shoulders.

He rolled her onto her stomach as he rested her on the grass. In the dying sun he easily spotted the Orc knife sticking out from her back, midway down, and closer to her right side.

Kili's brows pinched in determination as he pulled the dagger from her back, quickly applying pressure to the wound.

"Oin!" Kili called to the wise old Dwarf. He was already moving towards the pair, all having witnessed the exchange between their odd new Hero and their companion.

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