The Hobbit- Seelie

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The company is imprisoned in Thranduil's dungeons, as well as Bilbo, pretending he didn't lose the ring and get separated from the others, using it to follow them, but was taken and put in a cell with Thorin.

"What're you lookin at scum?!" Thorin hissed as the woman outside his cell. She scoffed and glared at him before continuing on her way. Thorin suddenly stopped her when he saw past her messy black hair, she wasn't an Elf.


The woman turned on her heels, arms at her sides and her palms facing him in question, a glare pinned on him, she made no move closer.

"What?" She asked, highly unimpressed with his brash behaviour. Thorin's eyes caught on the glinting iron around her wrists, carved with ancient, intricate, Elvish, ruins, her fingers tipped with black. The thick iron cuffs were at least a hands width up her forearm, and he wondered what their purpose was.

"Are you a prisoner too?" He asked gruffly as he eyed the woman side on. He didn't trust her and her mere presence stirred something in him that told him to be on guard around her, that she was deadlier than she appeared. The woman glanced down at the cuffs and held her arms out to inspect them as if they were fine jewellery.

"These. No. They're a fashion statement. I was going for 'help, I've been imprisoned and now I'm on death row'." She said as she stepped back towards his cell. She dropped her arms again, and set him with a glare.

"Of course I'm a prisoner you imbecile!" She hissed at him like he was stupid. The other Dwarves were all listening and watching from their respective cells.

"If you are a prisoner, then why are you not in a cell?" Kili asked from a few cells down, as he leant against the bars with his shoulder, eyeing the exotic beauty with guarded curiosity.

"The guards got sick of looking for me for days, finding me in weird hiding spots, and then dragging me back to my cell, only for me to escape twenty minutes later." She explained with a sinister grin that made them shudder.

"Now I have unwilling wandering privileges."

"What's to stop you from leaving?" Thorin asked as he rested his forearms on the bars, his hands hanging through them, alluding a calm and unphased exterior. The Raven haired woman clanged the two cuffs together,

"These. I can't leave the castle grounds, I can get as far as the gate, but can not cross over the threshold." She explained as she seemed to breifly sadden, dropping her arms to her sides again.

"If you've escaped your cell so many times, can you get us out of ours?" Balin asked from across the cavern, on the other wall of cells.

"I could. But, I don't do favours for free." The woman squinted her eyes at Thorin, she knew he was the leader of their company without it having to be said. Behind Thorin, Bilbo who had been silently watching the stranger converse with the Dwarves, stepped forward.

"What's your price?" He asked as he stepped into the light of the halls, the bars casting shadows on his face. The woman, having known he was there, was unsurprised by his presence.

"I free you. You free me." She stated simply, as a wicked smile spread across her face, revealing pointed canines. Bilbo shuddered at the sight of the fang like teeth. Thorin shielded Bilbo from sight, as he drew the creatures attention back to him.

"How do we remove the cuffs? If it were as simple as breaking them, you'd 've done it by now."

"Right you are. It is not that simple. They're unbreakable, and can only be unlocked by a special key the King keeps around his neck. If I free you, you can get me that key, by taking off his head. Win, win" She suggested with a sinister grin, as she leaned in towards the bars of Thorin and Bilbo's Cell. Thorin quickly stepped back, pushing Bilbo by accident, and nearly tipping him over.

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