The Hobbit- Shifters Pt.2

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Nailah's P.O.V
"Nailah! Nailah!" I turned as my name rang through my head in Desiree's voice. I watched as the Racket-tailed Drogo flapped violently through the entrance of my room, dark blue feathers fluttering and stretching into a shiny gown as the brunette woman ran towards me. Her medium length brown hair was littered with navy feathers that seemed to be a part of it, growing from the strands and her scalp.

"What is it Desiree?" I regarded her with concern as I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her as she huffed out of breath.

"The-the Dwarves, the spiders, in the forest not far, from the palace." Desiree puffed out as she tried to catch her breath having flown as fast as she could to the cave their people called home.

"The spiders aren't close are they?" A timid voice asked from the doorway of my room as Taj popped his head around the rock with a fearful look. Like Desiree, he too had little feathers threw his hair, sticking up at odd angles amongst his wild curls. I smiled softly at the little shifter as I moved to crouch beside him, my cape billowing out around me.

"No my child. We are safe here, now go play with the others." I said as he smiled in relief before hugging my around the neck. I wrapped my arms around him in a quick hug as I kissed his temple before he was pulling from my grip to go play with the other few children with a carefree giggle. I straightened and returned to Desiree's side as she looked up at me in concern. I placed my hand back on her shoulder as she nervously wrung hers together.

"I will go and assist them. Stay here with the others. No one is to leave until I return, even in their shift. Understood." I said sternly but calmly. Desiree nodded her head quickly and turned to run back out of my room and down the hall to inform the others of my orders. I sighed as I marched from my room. I stopped just outside my doorway and without turning, called to the woman I knew was hidden in the shadows outside my door.

"Capri." I regarded her. A large brown Diamondback Rattlesnake slithered out of the shadows of the cave wall. Its tail rattled and hissed as it began to rise its body up off the ground. As the snake rose it expanded at a leisurely pace I didn't have the time for right now. A moment later Capri, a tall dark skinned woman dressed in a snake skin skirt with a usually scandalous thigh high split in it, a tan wrap around her chest and her usual long curls, stood before me. She regarded me with a sly smile that reflected her animal well.

"I think it best if I handle this one alone." She didn't need to say anything for me to know why she had been loitering outside my door. She'd seen Desiree's stressed state and followed her to my room to listen in.

"Why not?" Her reply was accompanied by a brief forked tounge flittering out of mouth before becoming a human one, the last signs of her change.

"It is not the Spiders." It was enough of an explanation for now, and Capri knew better than to push me for more. I had a perpetual patience, and though she didn't always like my decisions, she respected them due to my age accompanied wisdom. Her figure dissolved back down into her Rattlesnake as I didn't wait for her to slither away as I ran through the halls of the cage, having wasted enough time already.

I rolled the huge stone at the door of her cavernous hide away to the side, my strength surpassing any other shifter or creature I'd ever met, due to my animal counterpart. I rolled it back into place before taking a deep breath and letting my body expand and elongate as my bones cracked with the satisfaction of a morning stretch. I shook out my fur and bristled my scales before pushing back agaisnt my hind legs and suddenly shooting off the ground.

I wound around the trees at a blinding speed, flying only meters off the ground, winding around familiar trees and rocks before following along the large winding spider webs. I stopped, my body coiling up like that of a snakes as I watched the wrapped up Dwarfs drop from the webbing in the trees, landing one by one on the ground, begining to come to as the halfling cut them down. I looked up at the large arachnids quickly scuttling back towards their pray as the movement echoed along their webbing. The spiders were small than me, and I was much faster, so often I was able to take out nests on my own, first flooding them out then ripping them apart, but when I was trying not to be seen, and defending others? I had a feeling those nasty fangs would be more troublesome.

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