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I am not a multi shipper.. but sometimes Luzity is the exception-
I was listening to emo boy and... just made me think of them tbh-


// Quackity POV //

I walked into the building, with very few people in my vision as I made my way down to my locker. This is what happens when I walk to school, I'm the last fucking person into the building with only the delinquents staying in the halls just waiting for the bell to ring so they can be just on time.

I don't understand how they manage to escape detention and yet I'm on my 2nd strike, I might as well be on their level compared to anyone else in this shit hole. I got one strike for slapping a girl and another for being late... because I was in a fight.
"...Am I a danger to society-" I muttered, zoning out as I opened my locker. Once everything was put away I shut the door and was taken aback when I saw a face...

"Ah- Luzu, what the fuck-" I huffed, stomping my foot as the brunette laughed, leaning on the lockers as his hands were resting in his hoodie pockets, "Hey, don't get pissy at me, birdy. I was talking to you," He hummed, his tone dead, "Why are you here this late, darling?" Luzu smirked slightly, chuckling softly as I blushed at the nickname.

"I was walking today," I answered calmly, "My legs are sore as fuck."
"Aww, the poor thinggg, did your mommy not let you drive to school today," He jokingly pouted, inching his face closer to my face.
"...Yes actually," I hummed, resting my hand on my hip. Luzu perked up like he wasn't expecting that answer, "Huh... rude," He chuckled, "Did you sleep in or something?"

"...Why are you so good at telling why my mom made me walk here-" My brows furrowed slightly at him and he simply shrugged, "I just know your mom I guess... she's a bitch."
I just stared at him and sighed, "Why are you not in class?" 
He stared down at me and glanced away before leaning into my ear, "I was waiting for you~" He purred softly causing my ear to twitch.

"...Why- we don't even have the same class till 5th period-" I muttered, looking away as my face grew hot, out of the corner of my eye I watched him shrug, "I like walking down the hall with you."
"You're weird-"
"Thank you~"
We stood there silently for just a few more seconds when the bell rang. "Shit!" I perked up, looking down the hall, "Ughhhh, god dammit!" I pushed Luzu away and ran down the hall, nearly tripping flat on my face as I hurried to my first class, completely out of breath from running across the whole school.

Reaching for the door handle I hoped and prayed it wasn't locked...
'Please, XD- let me get off easy... please please-' I repeated please over and over in my head when I finally grabbed the handle and pushed it down to open the door, "Ooh, thank god-" I mumbled, walking in, slowly and quietly shutting the door behind me.

"Well, look who finally decided to join us," The teacher spoke, staring at me with dead eyes. I felt the whole class stare at me, silently laughing and judging me.
"I... I'm sorry Mrs. Clive, I woke up late and-" I tried to explain myself but she put her hand up and closed it, singingly me to shut the fuck up.

"Is that my fault? You were late to my class Alexis, and I expect you to be here before the bell rings. Like Karl," She smiled, motioning to my friend, "He gets to class before me most times. The perfect student."
As she spoke I made myself smaller, holding myself with my wings. She just kept talking and talking making me believe that if she just shut up we could start the damn lesson. I sucked in a deep breath and put my hand out, closing it to tell her to shut up.

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