Burn The Tree

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Day 21: Burn The Tree - Quackbur + Karlnap = Crack

Implied sex

// Third Person POV //

Sapnap and Karl were on their way to Las Nevadas talking to each other about what they were going to say to Quackity.
"So... we're gonna ask if he wants to join us in Kinoko for Christmas?" Karl looked down at Sapnap making sure he understood the plan.

"Yeah, and if he doesn't want to... then that's fine. We'll just spend it together," Nick wrapped his arm around Karl's shoulder holding him close.

The two entered Las Nevadas looking at the people walking past them, "Where is he?" Karl looked around holding Sapnaps hand, "No idea... uhm..." He looked around spotting Sam standing outside the Casino.

"Let's ask Sam," Nick dragged Karl over to Sam who waved at them.

"Hello you two, can I help you?" Sam looked between the two, "Do you know where Q is?"
Karl asked smiling at the creeper. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked around, "Uhm.... I don't think Quackity wants to uhm... see anyone as of now-"

Sapnap and Karl looked at each other with confused looks and then stared back at Sam, "What's he doing?" Nick asked looking at Sam who was staring behind them and Karl looked to where he was staring at which were the apartments, specifically a room with the curtains shut.

"More like who..."

Nick looked over at the apartments and it clicked in his brain what Sam was getting at, "Oh... he has... a guest-" Nick mumbled staring up at the room,
Karl furrowed his brows and crossed his arms staring up at the building.

They went over to the apartments and went up to the top floor and to the room that they thought Quackity was living in and knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

They heard a muffled voice shout from inside then the door unlocked revealing Wilbur leaning against the door.
"Oh... h-hey?" His voice was raspy and his face was red with lightly damp hair.

Sapnap stared up at him analyzing his face and neck while Karl looked past him and inside the apartment, "Can... I help.. you?" He stood up more against the door looking down at the two. 

"The fuck's taking you so lo-" Quackity walked up behind Wil and hugged his torso looking past him and at his ex fiances, "Oh. Hey." He blankly stared at the two then looked up at Wil with a more cheerful expression, "You can go lay down amor."

Wil didn't fight and just walked away leaving Quackity alone at the door with the two still staring at him shocked.
They all stared at each other as Quackity put his hair up and opened the door wider, "So, what do you guys want?"

"Well... we wanted to know if... you wanted to spend Christmas with us but... we can see you're... busy-" Sapnap shrugged looking at Karl and grabbing his hand.
"Oh?... I mean.... sure, why not" Q looked inside and then back at the two in the hall.

"Christmas?" He looked back inside and then back at the hall, "Uhm, yeah Christmas... just us thre-"

"Sure Wil's down."
Karl and Nick stared at each other furrowing their brows, "Shouldn't... Wil want to spend Christmas with his family?" Nick asked.

"Nah, he's spending this year with me." Karl and Nick looked at each other nodded and looked back at Quackity, "Sure, do you two wanna... hang out Christmas eve? If you don't have anything else to do." He looked back inside and nodded going back to look at the two.

"How come you keep looking inside?" Karl looked past Q and inside seeing Wil sitting on the couch, "I'm seeing if he wants to do it."

"Great so... next week?"

"Sounds good."

\\\ December 24th 4:52 PM ///

Sapnap and Karl stood outside Las Nevadas waiting for Quackity and Wilbur.

"What are we gonna do?" Karl looked down at Sap raising a brow, "Hang out? I'm not completely sure... oh there they are."

Wilbur was waving at them while Quackity clung onto him, "Hi, merry Christmas" He was oddly cheery and held his hand out for them to shake but neither of them did. (I hate u I love you... might turn this into angst ngl :0)

"Right- so..." Wil took his hand back and looked to the side and down at Quackity who was still clung onto his, "Did you guys have anything planed?" He wrapped his arm around Q's shoulder and pulled him to his side.

"Uhm... well." Nick looked around trying to think of something quick, "We were gonna go to Kinoko and decorate a tree with Quackity but." Karl looked Wil up and down glaring at him. (Tommyinnit is playing...)

"Karl-" Sapnap elbowed him looking up at Wil with a sorry look, "Sorry about him-" Wil just smiled at them, "It's fine, I'm used to worse." (Slow Down. Not. NOW-)

"Decorating a tree sounds fun," Quackity added, crossing his arms and leaning against Wil, "Oh, then lets do that!"


Karl and Quackity were looking through ordements while Wilbur and Sapnap put them up.

"Why the fuck is this stupid fucking tree so damn tall!" Nick shouted as he streatched his arm to reach the taller parts of the tree while Wilbur laughed at him reaching the higher parts of the tree with ease.

"The fuck you laughing at you tall bastard!"



"That sounds fun.

Sapnap didn't question it and just started burning down the tree.
-Word Count: 888-
Wattpads being dumb and so this is being written on my phone.
Soooooooo ye

I hope you all have an amazing Day/Afternoon/Night
Make sure you eat something and drink your holy water >:]

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