__A Prince and A Guard__

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This was supposed to be a 700 reads special, it's now 800 reads :D
Thank you so so so SO much to everyone who's been reading these, it means the world to me honestly... <33333

Sally's a bitch
It's longggg :D
(I think that's it??? Also not spell checked causeee I do not have the fucking time for that shit-
it was supposed to be done last night- and I added another THOUSAND WORDS-)

// Third Person POV //

It was a cloudy morning in the kingdom, everyone had an off feeling when they woke up that morning. Even the world itself was down, misty fog coated the cobble roads in the kingdom as horse hooves clashed on them breaking through the fog.

As the horse and carriage made their saw through the kingdom everyone stopped what they were doing to watch.
To watch the lanterns sway to watch the mist break under the horse hooves, to see this fancy wooden carriage.

The horse-drawn carriage made its way to the castle.
The Minecraft Castle. 

The gates were opened and the guards lined the path and the royal family stood outside the castle doors.

The carriage came to a stop and its door opened revealing a man a woman and their child.

"Welcome to our kingdom," The King greeted the family taking a step in front of his children.
The three stayed behind their father staring at the family. 

"Thank you." The man thanked the King seeming tired.

"Can't say this weather is rather welcoming." The woman complained and pulled her jacket close.

"Mhm." Their daughter agreed, looking behind the King and at his sons.

"Right, so sorry about that..." The king looked to the side and at one of the guards.
"Here, let me introduce you to my children." He backed away next to his kids.

"This is Techno, he's my eldest and this is Tommy my youngest." The king introduced the princes motioning his hands to each child.

"Dad... where's Wil?" Tommy questioned his father just above a whisper.
Phil looked behind him then around and sighed, "Quackity." 

One of the guards looked toward the royal family and walked up to the king,
"Yes, your Majesty?"

"Can you please go and find Wilbur for me."

"Of course your Majesty." He bowed his head and went around the castle to the back garden.

"I told you this family's a wreck." The woman spoke to her husband hardly whispering.

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