Orphan Presents

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As of writing this, this oneshots is at 918 reads. (Hello, it is now 9:02 AM. The oneshots is at 981. What. The. FUCK-????)
Didn't I LITERALLY JUST DO A 700 READS SPECIAL??? Well, technically 800 reads... but my point still stands, thank you to everyone who's reading my works and I would love to ask you all.
What do you want for the 1K special?
Cause at this point we're probably gonna hit 1K before 2023-
and since I'm most likely getting a gift for 1K I wanted to give something you all wanted to you ^^
Sooo give me your ideas >:D
Go in as depth as you want/can you can message me or just comment it ( I'll choose one that I enjoy [or that a lot of people seemed to like] and if there are other ones I'll write them as well!
Your request can be any ship/duo/person you want it to be about!!

Day 11: Orphan Presents - EmeraldDuo = Crack




"I know it's a little too late to back out or really ask what the fuck we're doing but-
What the fuck are we doing??"
Phil opened his arms out motioning around them

The two were standing on a roof of a big building.

"Taking Christmas presents from orphans."


"Taking Christmas presents."

"What was the other half of that??"

Techno looked to the left and then right holding a big Santa Claus sack over his shoulder. 

"From orphans-"


"Hey, hey, hey-"

Techno put a finger to his mouth making a shushing sound.

"You're gonna wake up the orphans."

"Oh so now you're worried about them??"

"No. I just them to be happy when they wake up, so that when they see all their presents gone they cry."

"I feel like I should have hugged you more as a child-"

"I do not understand what you mean Phil. I'm great-"

"Compared to your brothers.... you are scarily correct..."


-Word Count: 143-

C r A c K

I hope you all have an amazing Day/Afternoon/Night
Make sure you eat something and drink your holy water >:D

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