Blood and Slobber (Request?)

812 12 154

This was more or less raccon_idiot's idea.

It took me like all day but I'm finally done-
pain kink
Implied Cannabilizing?/ Cannabliisim
Shark teeth-

This is SwitchQuackbur but Wilburtops.
Because I spun a wheel and flipped a coin, both landed on Topbur.
Because I like both and I couldn't be bothered picking :]

// Wilbur POV //

The beautiful city of Las Nevadas, the city of lights, the city of crime, the city of drugs, and most importantly.
The City of NightLife.

I've never really been the nightlife type of guy, but I could make an exception for tonight. 

I walked out of my room and towards the front door making sure to not make any noise in case I woke up-



He was in the kitchen holding a glass of what I can only assume was water.

"H-hey.. Toms... I-"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Ye-.. go to sleep Tommy."

"I was just getting water god damn. Also, you're the one who is literally fully dressed with shoes on!"

"And you're the child. Go to sleep."

"I'm 16!"

"Yeah, that's a child."

"Maybe you're just old."
He rolled his eyes and walked back to his room.
"Have fun with whatever you're doing."

He walked into his room shutting the door behind him.

I sighed in relief grabbing my keys, as I left my apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me.


Once I arrived at my destination I parked my car and entered
"The Ducks Casino"

On entry, it was... emptier than one would think, it wasn't bare there were a few people at the bar, crabs table, and slot machines but other than them it wasn't really much of a hot spot as I had thought.

With all the cars out front, you'd think over a thousand drunks and gamblers would be filling this place to the brim with curse words or debt. 

I thought about going to another spot when I noticed something golden out of the corner of my eye.

The one and only

He looked stressed or tense at best just exiting an employee-only door facing the door still.

I walked over to him placing a hand on his right shoulder.

"AH! THE FUCK DO YOU- oh. It's just you."
He sighed in relief wiping his mouth.
"I see you've finally decided to take me up on that offer Soot."

I nodded putting my hand in my pocket.
A few months ago Quackity was telling me about his casino and if I ever wanted to, visit I could.

"I have to say... it's... quieter than I would have thought."
I chuckled a bit looking around at the sad-looking groups of people scattered around the casino. 

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