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170 7 53



Zombie Apoycoleps
Vaguley Implied Sex
They gay bois


// Wilbur POV //

It's been nearly a year since the zombie outbreak in the U.S., and as one would expect no one seemed to handle it well at all if that's even a surprise to anyone. Other countries around the world have managed to control the outbreak and cured most of the infected.

Quackity and I have been staying in a "safe zone" a few months after the outbreak started, but it didn't seem that safe after a few infected got into the safe zone. Thankfully we were able to... borrow- a few supplies before we ran away like hell after hijacking some random car.

Oddly enough Quackity seemed thrilled by the whole situation, barely even seeming panicked at all, even running a few zombies over for the fucks of it just for a little laugh.
Honestly, I just love to see the smile on his face while he has his fun. Though it did terrify me whenever he would off-road the car or run over a whole crowd of infected.

This whole thing is just a cluster fuck of adrenaline for him, but I just wanted to cool things down a bit-
Not drive around a highway running over corpses while looking for another place to settle for the night, I just wanted to settle down with him in a more... stable area.
I wanted to be married to him by now or at least be engaged by now, he's the love of my life and I don't know how I would feel if I died because of his recklessness making him feel guilty about it. or worse if I had him taken away from me because he was being too reckless.

So when it was my turn to drive I drove us to the nearest pier while he was fast asleep in the passenger's side, his head was resting on the window and he was softly snoring as his wings light twitched from time to time.

Just as the sun began to rise I stopped the car and looked around, grabbing my gun as I exited the car just in case there was danger, luckily there were only a few zombies that I could just hit with the back of my rifle as to not wake Quackity up.
I looked around for a while until I found a pretty big boat with the keys still in the ignition and a full tank. I checked around more for anything of value or any unwanted guests. 

There weren't any, thankfully, so I made a mental note and checked the other boats for any more supplies, I found some food and walked back to the car where I noticed Quackity standing next to the car stretching his arms while a zombie slowly limped it's way towards him.

I raised my gun up and fired a shot over his shoulder shooting the zombie in the head, he flinched and looked behind himself noticing the infected and giving me a thumbs up as he walked over to me, "Hey babee," He got up on his toes and tilted his head, staring at me with questioning eyes.

"My love?" 
He looked around us and then back at me, "What are we doing here?" He looked down at my arms as I held the supplies, "Oh, getting more stuff?"
I stared at him and then down at the wooden pier, "Well... yeah- but," I struggled to find the right words to explain to him what I planned on doing, but I just motioned to the boat I found and he turned to look at it, "It's a boat."

"Yeah- we can uh... leave on it-" I walked past him back to the car and grabbed our supplies from the backseat, "Leave on it?" He followed me to the car, "Yeah-"

"Where the fuck would we leave to exactly?" He sounded a bit defensive and not really on board with the idea, "Well, I was planning on going back to Brighton... since there are people we know there-" I shut the door after I grabbed everything and turned back to Quackity who had a sour look on his face, "What's wrong with here?" 

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