I Don't Know...

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While this is technically my original idea (to my knowledge) I'm still going to give NonbinaryAugust credit for this idea seeing as they were the first one to write it.
If you haven't read it I highly recommend doing so, actually, you should read all of their books.
Or at least all of their Oneshots.
(This isn't going to be like their oneshot it just uses the same concept)


// Third Person POV //

It was dark outside, raining, not a light rain a heavy rain, the kind of rain that hurt your head when you were outside.

A man washed up on the shore with a flipped-over boat snapped in two and buried in the sand.

The sun rose up and the rain softened, a tall ragged man laid face first into the sandy beach.
A blond boy walked down to the beach as he normally did unsure why he would.

"What the fuck-"

The blond stood over the half-dead man looking over his body.
His chestnut brown hair was soaking wet with some sand intertwining with his hair, and his trench coat was half off his body looking like the waves were trying to steal it back it had some patterns one which looked like a flag of sorts.

"Fuck... that really fucking hurt-"
The body spoke lifting up his head and coughing up some sand, he looked up at the boy.



He sat up quickly trapping the boy in a hug.

"YO- dude.. I don't know who the fuck you are man"

"What? It's me. Wilbur"



There was a silence between the two.

"That's a stupid name-"

Tommy pushed Wilbur off of him and walked away.


Wilbur ran after him catching up and leaving him out of breath.

"Dude, you ran only a few blocks how are you already tired?"

"That's not- important."

"Also what's with the white in your hair? You old or something."
Tommy laughed at his own joke which Wilbur wasn't too happy with.

"That's... not important either... you know I have a question, Toms!"

"Don't call me Toms."

"Okay- um where am I?"

Tommy laughed and shook his head,
"Your first day on the SMP I guess."


"That's okay mate, I'll be your tour guide."
He grabbed Wilbur's hand and lead him around the SMP.

"It's odd how you didn't spawn with everyone else... but that's beside the point, this is the community house!"

Wilbur was confused by everything that was happening, the whole SMP was different.
Nothing was left that he remembered other than grass and trees, not even Las Neades was there.

"And this is my humble abode."

"Oh... it's nice."

"Thank you, big man."

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