Chapter 229: Spoilers (1)

Start from the beginning

"Everyone's here. How long has it been since we gathered like this?"

Kate responded to Deimos, the bearded cardinal, with a kind smile. She was known for her beautiful looks, and when she smiled, it seemed as if the surroundings brightened with an illusion.

Seeing her smile, Deimos chuckled softly, while the other middle-aged man cleared his throat, unable to look directly at the strikingly beautiful smile.

Except for one person, the middle-aged woman. She smiled mysteriously at Kate and spoke in a flustering tone.

"You still have that beautiful smile, Cardinal Kate. Seeing how much more beautiful you've become, I wonder if something good happened during your pilgrimage?"

The middle-aged woman emitting strong displeasure was named Hera. She might have had quite a beautiful appearance in the past, but now she was nothing but a wrinkled middle-aged woman.

While others showed discomfort at her sarcastic tone, Kate, upon hearing her words, nodded positively.

"Yes, that's right, Cardinal Hera. Something good happened, so I hurriedly returned here."

"Something good? Surely not..."

Hera widened her eyes at Kate's answer, trailing off in her remarks. Not only her but others as well.

The reason why Kate embarked on the pilgrimage path was already publicly known. It was solely to meet with Xenon. So her return meant she met Xenon.

"No, I didn't meet Xenon. I simply realized what I have to do."

But Kate shook her head vigorously, shattering their expectations. While it was true that she had met Xenon, or rather Isaac, it was a fact that needed to be concealed somehow.

Hera responded with a skeptical face. However, a middle-aged man soon addressed Kate.

With a well-groomed beard and a continuous gaze, the middle-aged man exuded a handsome aura despite his age.

"What do you mean by 'what you have to do'? Could you tell us?"

"Of course. But before that, Cardinal Bark?"

"Yes. Go ahead."

"How long has it been since Cardinal Bark prayed to Luminous?"

After asking that question, Kate looked around at others and posed the same question.

"The others too. I'm curious how long it's been since you all prayed to Luminous."

"I did it before Cardinal Kate arrived."

Hera was the first to respond. She still had an uncomfortable expression, but she continued to answer the questions diligently.

"I did the same. If you don't offer prayers even for a day, Luminous might feel neglected."

Next, Deimos, with his distinctive caterpillar-like eyebrows, answered. Despite his intimidating appearance, he seemed devout, matching his outward appearance of kindness.

The last person remaining was Bark. Kate turned her gaze away from Deimos and looked at Bark. As Bark's gaze met Kate's green eyes, he hesitated for a moment, then slowly replied with a bitter smile.

"Uh... I haven't been able to pray recently. I've been busy."

"I see."

"You know that too right, Cardinal Hera?"

Perhaps the fact that he hadn't prayed bothered him a bit. Bark quickly sought Hera's agreement.

Hera looked at him somewhat reservedly, blushed shyly, and quietly spoke.

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