Not a morning person: NR

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So we had to wake y/n up. Now normally we wouldn't but because of this early mission we had to or we wouldn't get there on time. Only thing is they aren't a morning person. Now your probable thinking okay that's over reacting that's you girl/boyfriend. Yes it is and that is also how i learnt they aren't a morning person.

As we all waited for them to walk down to us. we all sat in silence awaiting them. we all made sure that everything was ready and there stuff because we all know how this goes so we wanted to be care. Well everyone expect Bruce but that's because he doesn't like them even tho they have never done anything wrong.

We all know the reason tho, well most y/n is well a bit slow sometimes and doesn't know that Bruce liked me. Or still does. Any way as we hear footsteps coming down the corridor we all stood up and held are bags. As if on que they come round the door and bam grumpy face. They pull that face every time we have a morning mission but we all got use to it. As we all follow them to the ship i gave them their cup of tea, breakfast and i made sure to show them the blanket and pillow i packed. 

As the jet take's off i see that they go to lie down so i follow. i sit down and they lay down with their head in my lap so that i could play with their hair like i would normally do every night. It helps them sleep and as they say deal with memories but that's okay we all deal with things differently. 

As we all talked in the Jet we could see that Clint was a bit stiff. "What's up with you?" I said as i let out a laugh watching them try and get up. Everyone started to laugh when they saw what he was doing. "My side hurt's at least im not napping." OOOOO. He gonna die. Everyone went quite. 

Slowly y/n head turned to face Clint. No words were given just a stare. A cold.... cold stare. "Come here." Was all that was said. He looked at me and i just saw fear. He slowly move closer to them and bent down to be the same height. Y/n grabbed his ear and he was in pain. "Walk it off." They screamed down Clint's ear then let go and turned around straight away.

We all stayed silent for the rest of the flight. Now we knew a bit about the mission but we weren't told about people being there. We got told it was abandoned and all we had to do is look for some paper. What we didn't know was about the kryptonite. Only y/n is affected but if we know its there they get a special suit on if not then no suit.


The building wasn't empty. It was very full. Of people. Now this was good it allowed me to get  my morning grump out and beat the people up. I mean what more could i want. As i was doing a good job i felt some dust fall on me, thinking nothing of it i just brushed it off. As i carried on fighting i felt it getting harder and harder to breather i could hear people coming down my area i knew it was my team tho. 

More and more dust was falling and was breathed in but thinking nothing of it cause it's an abandoned building. . As i saw Nat beating some people up i felt a blow to the back of me. I stumbled forward and fell onto some rocks i turned and saw they aimed a gun at me. I put my hands up but that didn't stop them. They pulled the trigger.

Green dust came out and they ran but not fair before a knife was put in their back. I was breathing in the green dust also known as Kryptonite. As Nat came up to me see could see the deep green veins and the fear. I looked Nat in the eye's hoping for her to help but she just stared at me. "Nat...what do" She looked me in the eye's as mine dropped with pain in my chest, they closed. Like i was being swallowed by the darkness. 


This doesn't make sense, we have all the kryptonite in the world and that gun we have. As i realised what has happened the fait whisper of my name was heard. Fear in their eyes as they looked so tired with Green veins showing getting worse and worse. As i called cap to come carry them i saw that their eye's closed as cap arrived and picked them up we bolted back.

I got the oxygen mask ready to give them something good to breath in. As we waited for the last person to arrive it got me thinking. They only person who can have access to them was .... they walked in. As if nothing had happened. Bruce. I aimed my gun at him and got him sitting down with cuffs on. It wasn't hard for people to connect the dots and saw what had happened.

As we got back to base the Green veins had died down showing that they was getting  better. God why would he do this. That's to far. I mean yeah okay he shouldn't do anything but trying to kill them is way past the line. I sit holding their hand waiting for those eye's to open. Wait does this mean more grumpy?

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