Yay PT 2:

455 13 1


Me, Lizzie and Flo were all sat outside having some drinks while cooking on the BBQ. "So your telling me that your Ex is having a baby and Y/n is excited?" I nodded my head as i finished my drink. "Yes. I thought he would be sad or nervous because of the amount of noise." We all carried on talking and laughing until we decide we want to go for a walk.

"Y/n, get your shoes on we are going for a walk." They nodded there head and put puffy paint down. They went and put there shoes on and met us at the door. As we walking Y/n was in front of me and lizzie talking with Flo. 

We reached time square and we could see the Christmas tree and the lights coming on. We started to walk round and i felt Y/n grab my hand. I smile and look down at them and see that they were starting to get overwhelmed. "Hey guys lets head to the café." Lizzie and Flo both nodded there head.

Once we got to the café Y/n ran to the bathroom. We all followed and and saw them struggling to breath. Lizzie went to clam them down while Flo was keeping me calm. After a while they could breath but they where still to overwhelmed. "Headphone, where are they."  Flo looked at me confused and then Lizzie and they both shock there head. "Scarlett you still need to order them." Oh shit. "Okay there's store down the road can you guys buy the best noise cancelling headphones ill pay you back." They both nod and run to the store.

I slowly walk towards Y/n and pull them into a hug. They start to kick and punch to get out of my grip which hurts but i know if i do they could run outside or lock them self in a bathroom stole. Lizzie and Flo run back in after about 5 minutes and unpack them and pass them to . I quickly move my hand from around them and put the headphones on. 

After a couple of moments they calmed down. We slowly stood up and left the bathroom. We head home and as soon when were home Y/n ran up stairs and i payed lizzie and Flo then they head home. Once i said bye to them i started ordering the headphones and this time i ordered 3 just incase.

natasha /scarlett one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ