Hey it's okay:

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So we've just finished college for the day and me and some friends are going to the skatepark. The skatepark is never busy and normally its just me and my friends and maybe 1 more person. Anyway im so excited because im going to try this trick I've been practicing for. 

I was going to test out my new skateboard to today. i know that sounds weird but i mean you have to break in shoes before you wear them to go out, that's what im doing with my board. As we get there we see that its empty so we put are bags down and go for a warm up. My board is an 8.25 inch enjoi whit panda deck with tenser trucks and mini logo cut wheels 101A. Most of my mates are on a scouter so its different for things we do.  

I head to the bowl and drop in. After a go around the bowl i try to kickflip up the side and then land and keep moving. I did the kickflip but then as i was landing my wheel stopped as it hit something i feel forward and not to hit my face i put my arms in front of me. it didn't help much tho. As i slowly open my eyes i could feel something going down my face. I could see  my friends slowly getting in the bowl and coming to check on me.

As the helped me sit up my nose was bleeding a little bit but that was the only thing on my face the rest hand and wrist. They helped me out of the bowl and i got my stuff and told them i was heading home. I got back on my board and went home. It took a bit longer but not that long only like 5 minutes or so but if my mum ask's ill probably just say left the skate park late.

Once i was home i saw my mum and she walked over and kissed my head then hugged me. "How was the skatepark?" I nodded and i put my board down. "It was good. I'm going to get a shower." I quickly left the kitchen because i know if i stay their longer she was going to catch on to me. My mum is the famous Black widow of course she knows when im lying.

I went for a shower like i said and as i looked at my hand and wrist i saw that they where bruising quickly. Once i was done i put my binder back on (A binder bascily flattens people chest. If that made sense.) And put my outfit on and went to the kitchen. As i got to the kitchen i saw my mum sat at the table doing some work on her laptop.  By now my wrist and fingers where starting to hurt a lot but i could handle it for now.

Your probably thinking just tell your mum. She can help you. I would tell her but i want to be strong like her. People at college keep saying stuff like "How can you be her kid your not smart" or "Your nit strong like her." I want to be tho. That's why im not telling her, maybe my body will get used to the pain. 

"Can you grab me some juice." I nodded and open the fridge door and look for the juice. Once i see it i go to grabbed it but i dropped it. however my reflex's kicked in and i moved my hand to grab it but  that was a bad choice cause i used the wrong hand. OH GOD. Is it meant to hurt like this. I pulled my hand a way and bent down to the floor and let out a noise filled with pain. I could hear my mum run over to me and start to ask questions but when she me in so much pain she stopped, she pulled me into her and i started to cry in pain as it got worse. I tried to be strong but i couldn't. She picked me up and carried me to med bay. 


When y/n came home they seemed a bit off. I asked how the skatepark was like i would normally do but they didn't tell the truth but why, something must have happened at the skatepark. Before i could ask anything else they ran straight to their bed room to have a shower like they said but something doesn't seem right. When they came back down i asked them to grab me some juice  and they went to the fridge but then i heard the bottle land on the floor and that's when i saw them in pain. I picked them up and took them to med bay and told Jarvis to get Bruce down here. 

"Honey i need you to tell me what happened." They shake their head no in pain and i just run my hand through their hair to try and calm them down but that doesn't work. "I know it hurts but you need to tell me." They looked at me with tears in their eye's and you could see how much pain they where in. "I was at the skatepark, i tried a tick but i fell of and now my wrist and fingers hurt. Please make it stop." I sit on the bed with them and pull them onto my chest. Bruce arrives and i tell him what's happened as soon as i said that he went around to get somethings. 

He came back over to use and he gave them something to stop the pain and make them relax. Which also helps me because i hate seeing them in pain, it makes me feel useless. He the took an x-ray and once they got the images they came over to me and informed me that the wrist and finger's have been broken. Bruce asked y/n what colours they want for the cast to which they replied in red and black. He got the stuff and came back and put a cast on and then said they could go.

 I got us to the living room and sat them down on the sofa and went to get them food when i felt . I quickly got drinks and snacks and then sat with them and put a movie on. When i sat back down they cuddle into my side. "Why didn't you tell me." i saw them look at me and they look at the floor. I slowly left there head do they can look at me. "I just want to be strong like you." Was all they said before tears started to come out. I wrapped my arms around them and let them cry. "Honey, your way stronger then me. You skateboard and get hurt all the time and keep going." I say as i rub their back. 

They look at me and take a deep breath in. Its like there is something im missing. "But people at college say im weaker then you." I look back at them and the roof. How could i not see that they were being bullied. "Don't listen to them your way better then them." They hugged me tighter which caused me to wrap my arms around them. We stayed like that for the rest of the day. 

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