Why didn't you tell me: NR

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So y/n has been looking pale but every time i ask if they are okay they just say they are fine and then they walk away. I've been trying to keep tabs but i cant catch them.  Anyway they have the day of while i need to go into S.H.I.L.D to have a meeting with Fury and then i will be done. As  im getting ready for work i could see that they where sweating but i mean that could be down to nightmares or the fact that they normally get hot when they sleep.

Anyway i write them a note saying where i am then i get my things ready and then head to work. Once i get there i head to the meeting room and see Fury ready. I looked at the time and saw that i had a bit of time to spend so i sent y/n a message just something simple and then got in the room.


So I've been feeling a bit rough but nothing bad. Nat keeps asking if im okay and obviously i say im okay so she doesn't have to worry but i woke up today worse then ever. As i lay in bed  i could feel something coming up my throat. I ran to the bathroom and throw up what ever was coming up.

As i got my strength back i went to bed and got some blankets and then went to the living room.  I sat in there for hours just watching videos on YouTube before the others got back from there missions. They all came into the living room being loud and laughing. I pulled my blanket up to my neck. When they noticed me the shut up. Wanda slowly walked over and put her hand on my forehead and then stood up and got the boys out of the room.

"Y/n are you okay do you want me to call Nat?" I shock my head no before having the feeling of sick in my throat again. I ran to the bathroom with Wanda following me. Once i was done i asked for a drink of water which she kindly went to get me. I noticed there was a bit of blood in my sick but i heard Wanda coming back so i flushed the toilet and got rid of it before she could see it.

Wanda helped me back to the living room and then she left and came back with a sick bucket. (Does anyone else have this or is it just me?) After a while she left to get some work done and said she would check on me in a bit. I felt my eyes slowly close. Sleep taking over me.


Once the meeting was done i check my phone to see some messages from Wanda but none from y/n. I mean she could just be busy. Anyway i open the messages from Wanda and see that she was saying how y/n has been sick and she's worried. I quickly ran to my car and drove off. Once i got to the compound i ran into the living room to see y/n asleep on the sofa. I picked them up and the snuggled closer to me and i carried them to our room. I knew they looked to hot then normal. Once they where in bed i went to Wanda and thanked her for telling me about y/n. 

I sat next to them waiting for them to wake up. It was a while until they woke up but when they did they went straight to the bath room i followed them into there and held there hair back and  rubbed there back. I saw that there was red. Oh god that's blood. I could see that they where falling asleep again. There head was about to fall into the toilet but luckily i caught it before it could. I picked the up and took them to the lab where i asked if Bruce would do some test. He thankfully said yes. Once he was done i took her back to our room and Bruce said he would let me know when the results are done.

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