Epilepsy: NR

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Y/N: So i have epilepsy and i have never really had a problem with it since i started my medication. The only problem was the fact that i didn't tell my girlfriend Natasha, it's not that i don't want to its just the fact that my last girlfriend broke up with me because of it so i guess im just scared of what she would say.

Anyway everyone has been on my back today, Steve is telling me to train, Tony wants me to go help him, Thor wants me to go shop. God everything is so stress full. I feel like im forgetting some thing. Oh well, Right i'm going to go shop then to train and then tony. Once i'm back from shop i feel a bit light headed but im sure im fine.

As im walking into my bed room to get ready for training with Steve i feel really light headed. i feel someone come up behind me and hold me up. I turn my head to the side to see who it is and see my gorgeous red headed girlfriend with worry in her eyes as i go to speak i feel my eyes close.


As i hold Y/n up to stop them from falling to the ground i could see them turn there face they have gone really pale maybe i should get them to sit down. As they go to speak they close there eyes and then go limp. I lay there body on the floor. 

As i go to put them in the recovery position they start to have a seizure. Shit errrr "J.A.R.V.I.S get Bruce here now!" I scream at the AI, i have never had to deal with people having a seizure let alone my partner, i don't know what to do, God i wish i could help them. 

Bruce comes running into the room and helps Calm them down by giving them some meds. After a couple of moments he puts them on the bed and goes to get an IV for them. I sit next to them stroking their hair, i mean what else could i do, i didn't help cause i didn't know what to do, i didn't give them meds and Bruce put them in the bed not me. 

"Bruce? What should i do if it happens again?" He turn to look at me and he had a look in his eye kinda like sorrow, why would he give me that, Once he explain what i can do which isn't much he left and to get him if i need him i nodded and watched as he closed the door. 

After about an hour i saw y/n slowly start to open there eyes i went and sat next to them and waited for them to fully open there eyes, once they where open i made sure that they saw that i was there with them so they don't freak out. 

"Wha...What happened?" They asked as they sat up with the help from me because their arms where shaking as they sat up on their own. "You errm.. you had a seizure." As i said as i let a shaky breath out. I looked back up to see them staring looking at a wall, as if i was over there. 

"Babe, you okay?" I slowly moved to the side and forward a bit as i turned there head to look at me. "I'm sorry," Was all they said before they layed back down. Why are they sorry? Have they done something? Did i do something? "Why are you sorry." I said calmly trying to keep everything in as i stroke there head and reaching for their hand with my other free hand. 

"I have epilepsy. I know its something i should have told you and i know shouldn't have kept it from you but i take meds for it and i must have forgot and i'm so sorry." As they started to ramble i noticed how stressed they where getting. I put my hands on there face and made them look at me. "Hey it's okay. I just want to know why you didn't tell me." I saw them look down and then back at me. 

"The last person i dated broke up with me because of it." Was all they said before sitting up and going to get out of bed. I pulled them back to bed and watched as their diamond blue eyes look up at me. I smile to let them know it was okay. "Where are your meds?" I saw the frown turn into a smile which made my heart warm, knowing that someone didn't want them because of something they can't control made my heart ache for them.

They told me where they where and i went and got them. Once i knew they had taken them i got back to bed and we cuddled while watching the office. Once they fell asleep i went to find Bruce i know Y/n wouldn't want me to worry but i want to know what to do.

Bruce had walked me through on what to do and as i was going to leave i saw Bruce standing in front of the door. "You were scare." I looked at him and then nodded my head. I took a deep breath in and then let out another one, i blinked the tears away and looked back at Bruce.

"Yeah i was, still am but i want to be able to help them." I saw him nod before looking down and moving away from the door. "Just being there is enough for them nat. Don't over think it okay." I nodded and let a small smile form on my lips before i went back to cuddle with Y/n.

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