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Mention of Hanging.


So Noah recently got with this girl and she at first was nice but now she's started to make him do stuff and change the way he acts. We all knew that he was into women older than him but that's because he has grown up with older siblings so he's more mature than other people. 

We noticed small changes in the way he acted for example went out more, went to pubs more but then we noticed he was black out drunk and she brought him home and she was okay, not drunk at all. 

We do an annual drug test and the only thing that came up was ketamine but tat means that Noah was drugged. The only thing we could think of is when they go to pubs she drugs him. The person we all think it is hasn't been round for a week and his way of acting has gone back like she is the only reason. 

Everyone know this but I've always had a thing for Noah. I really do love and care for them and this makes me scared and concerned for him. I want to help but any time we bring it up he gets all defensive as anyone would and then leaves. I care for him so much and it breaks my heart.

Something happened tho. We noticed that when he came back with her she had a bag and it looked full of rope not that kind of rope the one that will kill. We all got nervous but no one wanted to say anything in case they were doing the deed. 

After half an hour she walked out with no bag. She just left by now most people where watching the movie but i noticed and so did Wanda. I stood up followed by Wanda and we quickly made our way towards Noah's room. Wanda though of him as a brother and i love him and so badly want to tell him.

We knocked on the door answer. My worry's only grew. Fear taking over i kicked the door down and... no one was there, i notice the light in the bathroom was on as i went to try and open it there he was....hanging from the roof.

Wanda quickly used her power to get him down onto the ground. As i went to try and start CPR. As we made an effort to try and get help me and Wanda kept swapping as we couldn't carry on the whole time. 

"Come on! I love you so you can't die! Not today! PLEASE I NEED YOU! I NEED YOU!" As i shouted at Noah to try and get him breathing i heard a breath before Wanda started CPR we put him into the recovery position. As we had tears streaming down our faces. The group running into the room. No one knew about what had happened before. 

His eye's slowly open and he looked so out of it. I have a feeling that she's been drugging him for a while. They way he's out of it wont be from the first time. However, my main concern is that he wont need to go into rehab again. Noah opened up to me before and said that he had a drug obsession that was because of his family. 

I don't want him going back to that. I know how bad he said it was. He told me that he felt insane and he didn't want to go back to that. I could see fear in his eye's, but he's still out of it, I whip some of my tears way as we move him into the Med bay. 

I could see Bruce and Dr Cho working on getting the drug's out of him to try and be bale to get medication into him that will help him and make sure he feels less pain. "Nat you should leave." Bruce said as i watching what they do to my Noah. I shake my head no as if they would understand what i was saying.

natasha /scarlett one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon