What's going on: NR

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So recently I've been getting dizzy for no reason, i mean im not ill so i can't think of a reason. But the thing is i haven't told Nat and it's been getting really hard to hide it. At first it was just a little then it got worse and i started to lose my balance and now i can't stand at all. The amount of times I've hit my head is not good and probably isn't helping.

Anyway i'm in the gym just getting my exercise in. I didn't hear anyone walk in but to my unknown my beautiful girlfriend had. It was good she had. As my mind went fuzzy, eyes blurring, breathing un-steady. I started to stumble and as i went to fall back i felt a pair of arms wrap around me holding me up till my legs gave up. 

They layed me on the floor as if i was already there, everything was spinning i could hear a muffled noise but couldn't hear right. It sounded as if i was under water and they where talking to me. Blinking to try and get some vision together when i felt a warm soft hand on my check.

My eye's slowly going back to normal, as if nothing had happened. Emerald green eyes staring at me laced with worry. Her lip's where moving but still nothing. She pulled my head into her lap to try and slowly help me sit up. Hearing slowly coming back. Her soft voice ringing through my ears. 

"Will...I've got you...I've got you." I slowly look up at her to show that i can hear when a soft smile came through but worry still their. She help's me stand up holding me tight as if I'd fall if she let go which to be honest i probably will. But i will not tell her that. We slowly make our way to the shared bed room. 

She guide's me the whole way, what ever we had in the gym was left there till she brought it back to us. She lays me down on the soft matrass as it dips under me. I let her help as there was no way i could do anything, this was the worst one yet.  "Will...can you hear me?" I looked at her slowly nodding but quickly stopping before it made me dizzy again. 

"Wait here... i'm going to get you a drink, then you can tell me how long this has been going on for." 

As she swayed her hips as she walked i made sure to be care full incase anything happened. Not wanting to move to much i just stared at the celling, waiting for my girlfriend to come back to me. As she walked into the room i felt the bed dip next to me. The drink coming into view a small smile came onto my face. 

"How long?" I looked down but knew I'd have to tell her but if i do then it's real and this is happening and it's not a dream. "Hey talk to me, what's going on, in that head of yours." taking away any worry or fear i had i took a deep breath in. "About 2 weeks but if i told you then it was real." She nodded her head and put my head on her lap.

She played with my hair taking the drink off me, as my eye's slowly close as she continues to play with my hair. "Next time just tell me okay?" I slowly nodded my head as we moved to get comfortable.  We lay in silence as she soothes me slowly to a slumber. 

All my pain, worry, fear... it goes away when she is with me as if it was never there. She pulled me closer to her as i slowly went to sleep, as if i was gonna go missing if she let go. I know she cares but now that i admitted it, it's to real. I didn't want that. I don't want this. I want it to go away. 

Maybe i should go see Bruce. As my thought's take over i feel a soft warm hand on my back. All my thought go as if she knew they where their but she wouldn't know cause she can't read minds. I'm happy i told her tho. I know she's going to be with me 24/7 but i know that i can trust her and be safe. 

She's my happy place. "I just want to care for you.... but you just need to tell me what's going on in that big head of yours's." I knew she thought i was asleep so i stayed still not wanting to disturb her. From here on i will tell her what's going on. As i go to sleep a wave of dizziness hits, the feeling of sick rising. I quickly go to run to the bathroom. 

However i couldn't make it. I fall to the fall, rolling onto my back. I started to throw up but because i was on my back it couldn't leave causing me to drowned on my sick. Luckily Nat was here, rolling me onto my side allowing it flow onto the floor give me access to oxygen. Coughing more and more, Nat to get a hold of Bruce who brough an oxygen tank with a mask putting it over my head helping me breath.

I reach out for Nat's hand, fear coursing my veins as i can hear her and talking. The feeling of sicking coming. I took the mask of allowing more sick to come out. There face's turning into panic. I turn my head a little more showing me red. Blood.... i was being sick but it was blood coming out. Tears falling, i turn to Nat who held my hand and tried to calm me down as Bruce went and got medical supply's.

"Nat we have to do it here, if we move him now it could cause more issues." Bruce had a needle and some other stuff. I look at Nat as she knows i hate needle's. She held my hand the whole time. As my eye's slowly shut i could see her looking at me with a small smile that i was getting help.

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