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The loud beeping echo's in my ear. The noise almost deafening. As i buried my face into the soft cloud like pillow my hand blindly searching to shut the alarm up. As the ringing stopped i slowly turned over to check my surroundings as of someone or something hid ready to attack me. 

The hour and a half sleep killing me off. The night filled with nightmares, trouble falling a sleep, anger and pain through my brain. If Nat was there it would have been better but she didn't want to wake me when she left this morning. 

Before i came and joined the avengers i was a solider my last tour was got me out.  I became half death. But i can hear great like i hear everyone and my alarms. I mean yeah there is constant ringing in my ear which can get louder but that's not making me deaf. Or that's what i say.

As i head to the shower and get more sports gear on so that i can get to training with wanda.  Normally me, Nat and Clint would train but they went on a mission at 1 am. They should be back soon tho. It was always better when it was also three or sometimes 4.

 Anyway me and wanda was doing light work when the two smart asses came in to train. I nodded at tony but Bruce just gave me a look. He never really liked me but that's because he had a thing for Nat but me and here have been dating for two years before him.

Obviously Tony opened his mouth and asked if we wanted to have little competition. Like boxing. I was gonna say no but Bruce started laughing saying i was chicken and i remind me of this guy from the army. I was not gonna stand for that so i said yes and boy do i regret it. I didn't want to get hurt or anything i just wanted to sleep and cuddle with Nat. 

As everyone was putting gear on tony got to pick who we went against first, him and wanda then me and Bruce and the winner's would face off.  Bruce wanted to make mine and his more exciting so while Tony and Wanda was fighting Bruce came to me. At first i thought nothing of it but when i saw his mouth open i knew it couldn't be good.

"No gloves got it. We doing this like men." With that he walked away, as if he didn't speak. I didn't get a choice with this. As Wanda got Tony on his ass Bruce got into the ring waiting for me as people left. As i got into the ring i looked at Wanda and she nodded understanding what i was saying. One wrong move and he'll have me dead. I made sure that wanda would step in if needed and she nodded back. I love the fact that Bruce can't hear what im thinking cause he'd defo take the piss out of me.

As we started walking in circles i could feel something i haven't felt for a while. Fear. The last time i felt that was asking Nat to be mine. He throws a couple of punches that i dodge. I could tell this wasn't his strong suit. I punched towards him when i saw something on his fist. Green. Shit how is this fair. As he moved out the way he pulled the green fist and punched me right where my eyes where. 

Pain shot through my head, a stinging feeling arriving as i was sent out the arena. I could hear people yelling my name, and running. As i rolled over so that no one could see my face my eyes started to feel as if they were burning. Due to this i had to open my eyes. It felt as if someone had set them on fire. I didn't know where anyone was and all i wanted was Nat.

All i could see was red. As if my own blood was pouring out my eyes. Panic taking over. I could hear more voices panicking, yelling, screaming. But only one hand on my back supporting me. The hand soft, and warm feeling to it. I knew who it was straight away. "Nat....Why can't i see" My voice breaking as i wait for her to tell me. I turn my face to wear i think she is. I could hear people gasp and breath in but no one was saying anything to me.


As i go to surprise Y/n being back early i knew where they were gonna be. However, i didn't expect to see Bruce punch them with the hulks fist sending them flying. I opened the door and head straight to them instinct kicking in. 

I saw them roll over, they do this to protect them self. So no one see's tears, or pain. As i got to them i could hear Wanda yelling at Bruce and Clint on the phone to Dr Cho and Tony getting the first aid kit. As my warm and soft hand went onto their back i could feel them relax a little.

"Nat...Why can't i see?" Their voice breaking. They turn to me. There eye's red like blood but nothing was coming out. I took a deep breath in. I could tell they were scared but didn't want it to show. I looked at Clint to help answer but he just look shocked. I didn't want to scare them more, i didn't know what to say.

"Nat....please help." The pain in their voice. As their tears fell, more worry set in. They weren't tears....It was blood. I don't want to lose them. "Hey why don't we lay down or sit together yeah?" They nodded their head. Helping them lay in a good position i could feel my own tears fall.

"You won't leave me because of this right?" WHAT. They think i could leave them. I took a breath in and shook my head. "No....No i won't" I could see a small smile on their lips form. That same smile i fell for when we first met, the smile i fall for everyday. 

As doctor Cho came over to try and help them i went and had strong words with Bruce. Lets just say he'll enjoy the raft. I ran back to Y/n when i see them moving. My hand grabbed there's. "We have to do surgery." I knew how much y/n hates being put to sleep but i have a feeling even they want to have it.

 Normally i have to force them but not this time.  There hand clenched around mine in fear. I watch as they take y/n away and cross the line i can't pass. Tears start to fall as i take a seat and wait for them. I don't care how long... i will always wait.

Clint, Wanda and Tony joined me waiting. No one said a word. As time passed one by one people left. Then i was just me and my thoughts. But before they could get the best of me Dr Cho walked out. "They are a sleep right now but we don't think they will be blind." 

I let a breath i didn't know i was holding in go. Relief washing over me. Happiness sprung to mind. I could see she wanted to say more but hasn't. I nodded for her to carry on. "They will be in a lot of pain for week's and we don't think medication can help due to what hit them but it'll go." I nodded my head and she lead me to them.

I took the chair next to them and took a deep breath in. I grabbed their hand. They looked so small and fragile as if they could break with any touch. I made sure that they knew i was there before closing my eye's happy that they were gonna still see. 

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