🪡S3A.Tattoo P1🪡

Start from the beginning

"He truly loves her, she and he are amazing together," Erica tells Cora." Yeah, he looks at her with so much adoration and love, it's a beautiful sight to see," Boyd says with a smile." Hey since when is my love life a topic of yours?" I joked with a grin.

"Since we've been stuck in here?" Erica chuckles." Idiots man the lot of you are just idiots," I chuckled softly smiling at them all." If you come back Cora we'll make Beacon Hills a home again," I said softly smiling at her." I will for you, I trust you and your judgement," Cora nods." It's my honour to have that," I said softly smiling at her.

Suddenly the vault door opens and we see Kali come in with Aiden and Ethan." You!" Kali says looking at me." Get her!" Kali orders the twins as Erica, Boyd and Cora stand up by my side." You three aren't going to win against three alphas," Kali smirks.

I knew I had to be the Luna the alpha and I wasn't gonna let my pack die for me even though it's their duty. I will not allow their blood to be on my hands.

"Stand down!" I ordered them." But Roma-" Cora says." Stand down, I will not let you fight for me, I will not witness your deaths, I am your Luna and your Alpha now stand down!" I said firmly whilst looking dead at Kali.

"I am the Luna and I need no one to fight for me, I am not weak," I said firmly. They hesitated at first, but they backed off." I want your word, that they will not be harmed or touched by you," I said firmly." You do that and I'll come out peacefully," I tell her.

"Fine we'll leave the betas alone, now come out," Kali says as Aiden and Ethan grab my arms but I yanked them off their hands." I can walk don't touch me," I said before leaving with the alpha twins behind me and Kali leading the way.

Kali led us to Deucalion and Ennis," Deucalion, Ennis," I said with zero politeness." You remind me so much of Talia Hale, you have her wisdom, her kindness and her aura about you," Deucalion says." I've always been this way, I am not Talia Hale. I am Roma Stillinski, I'm never changing my ways," I said with a smirk.

"I wonder what would happen if you were to be bitten by us," Deucalion says coming towards me. I stood up straighter," I will not allow you to bite me," I said firmly." You can't beat us, you're a weak human being," Enis scoffs at me." Why don't you and the monkey over there go and suck faces?" I sneered at him.

Deucalion stood in front of me and Kali stood behind and the two lunged at me and I ducked and they both smashed into each other." Ouch!" I said moving out of the way as I chuckled.

Enis came at me and I ran, before grabbing a metal pole and hitting him with it. Aiden came up to me and I fought Aiden one-on-one before Kali recovered and tackled me to the ground. I groaned at the impact," I'm gonna enjoy this," Kali grinned and bit me on my torso harshly.

I refused to scream as Enis stamped on my hand breaking it and biting my wrist harshly. Aiden and Ethan formed one big alpha as Kali made me stand and they hesitated in biting me but bit me on the shoulder blade.

Enis helped Deucalion come towards me and Kali made me kneel in front of him. Kali bared my neck to him and Deucalion bit me harshly there on the right side of my neck.

"Put her in the small closet there and chain her up with the iron chains," Deucalion says. Ethan lifted me," D-Dont use the iron chains," I weakly said." Why not?" Ethan asked." They burn my wrists, I'm allergic to them," I confessed.

"We don't have anything else and if I don't chain you up, I'll get in trouble myself," Ethan says sadly." Try and find something anything else as I will have burnt wrists," I tell him.

Aiden was listening and found zip ties." I got these," Aiden says." Use them, and you know what you're doing is wrong so why are you doing this?" I asked them as they locked me up.

"We owe Deucalion everything, he taught us how to be one big wolf, we couldn't control it and our old pack used to pick on us," Ethan tells me.

"Well, I'm sorry about that but if you left that pack you would find a real pack full of happiness, love and loyalty where everyone gets a say and that's my pack, the offer is gonna stay open guys," I said softly.

The twins looked at me then themselves." We can't promise anything but we'll think about it," Aiden says softly before they both leave me in the closet.

"I know the bite is going to be rejected, I'm sorry Derek Hale. I love you and I know you'll be okay without me," I said softly looking at a small window and seeing the night sky." Look after my hot stuff and my son, make sure they stick together from now on don't let them separate," I said softly smiling up.


Part One of Tattoo is done ✔️ Next up is The Hospital, the discovery of the alpha mark ❤️

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What do you think Aiden and Ethan will do?

Love how Roma doesn't let anyone fight her battles.

Who is excited for Erin, Aliyah, Grace and Evie to join the book?

Who loves the fact Erica and Boyd are still here?!

Chaos Rising will be Derek Pov, Issac Pov, Cora, Erica and Boyd Pov and Roma's split into 2 chapters

Roma gets found in Chaos Rising by Derek!

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