Season 5 Episode 7: The Crooked Path

Start from the beginning

Ronin: (The ninja approach him.) Huh? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. (The ninja activate their own water traps making them all trip over eachother.) Haha! That was way too easy!

Misako: We're not gonna let you get away!

Ronin: (They fight each other, but Ronin slices a few herbs, creating a dust cloud.) Oh, now that's a nice blend. We should fight more often. (Whistles to summon R.E.X.)

Kai: (He uses Airjitzu, but fails to go high enough to catch him.) Aah! He's getting away. To the Bounty!

Wu: Are we sure that's the wisest choice? (He summons his dragon.) Care for a ride?

Misako: I thought you'd never ask.

Caila: Master's right. (She summons her dragon and goes after REX with Wu and Misako.)

Wu: He's fast.

Misako: You're faster.

Wu: Let's get him, boy! Hyah! (They eventually catch up to R.E.X. with Caila, but find it empty.)

Misako: He's not aboard the ship.

Caila: It's a trick!

Tyke: Shoot.

Wu: Then where did Ronin go?

(Nya is at a river looking at her reflection. She turns to leave, but hears Ronin whistling on a small boat. She runs after him.)

Nya: (Gasps.) Stop!

Ronin: Yeah, right.

Nya: Why are you doing this?

Ronin: You know why. Giving Morro the sword is the only thing that'll save me.

Nya: He'll never hold up his end of the bargain. You can't trust him.

Ronin: I have to. It's my only shot.

Nya: (To herself.) Become the water. Become the water. Become the water.
(The water starts to go backwards.) Reverse the flow, Nya.

Ronin: You got to be kidding me. (He shifts his sail so that the wind can carry him forward.) Face it, Nya. You're not strong enough. You care too much. I'm Sorry, Nya. I wish it never had to come to this.

(Nya pounds the ground in rage. Ronin reaches Stiix and finds Morro's hideout.)

Morro: Good evening.

Ghoultar: And good night.

Ronin: Heh, I like what you've done with the place. Pretty gusty making your hideout right here in Stiix. With this much water, they'd never come looking for you here.

Morro: I've never been afraid of anything.

Ghoultar: (He examines the sword.) The sword is no fake.

Morro: Huh. For once, the crook makes good. (He stabs the sword on the map.) Ha! The Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Ronin: Now what about my soul? The deal was you'd remove the curse and free me.

Morro: You can have your soul, but the deal has changed. I want the ninja too.

Ronin: Whoa, now hold on. A deal's a deal but what so you care about the ninja, I thought you said you weren't afraid of them.

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