Chapter 9

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"What does one do when they makes millions of dollars a year?" Fernanda asks as we walk inside the stadium

"Ask your parents" I chuckle

"That's true, but like they are older. These guys are our age and making so much money. If I had that much money the first thing I'd do is take myself shopping I'm not gonna lie" she says

"I'm pretty sure they shop too and you basically have that much money" I say

"Yeah I guess, but they don't shop how I shop." she laughs

"If everyone shopped like you everyone would be broke as a joke"

"So we have to go that way to get to our seats if you guys want to go now. Or we could just go get something to eat" Robert says

I personally would rather wait until kickoff so there was no chance of even eye contact between Pedri and I, and I think Robert knew that too, hence why he made the proposal. However Fernanda had other plans

"I kinda want to sit down, maybe we should just go to our seats." She says

Everyone nods and we begin waking in the direction of our seats.

"Hey I tried" Robert whispers to me

"I appreciate it" I chuckle

When we finally get to our seats and sit down I go straight onto my phone because there isn't much to do as they are still treating the grass.

After about 10 minutes I look up from my phone and kind of just breathe for a minute.

"Do you guys want anything? We are going to go get something to drink" Fernanda asks standing up with Robert

"I'm good" I smile as they both nod and leave the seats

"You have a birthday coming up right?" Alex asks

"2 weeks" I answer

"You are just so old"

"Um excuse me, Mara has been 20 since January" i chuckle

"Whatever you say. What do you want for your birthday" he asks

"I want an uninterrupted nap" I chuckle

"Remember last year, you were sick . So we brought you soup and you got mad" he says

"I was sick obviously I was going to be mad"

"Maybe this year we will get you a necklace" he laughs

"Or don't get me anything, I don't need gifts"

"That's not gonna fly, what are you planning on doing?" He asks

"Skipping my classes and taking a long ass uninterrupted nap, my birthday is on a Friday so intend to sleep all day and then wake up, take a shower and go right back to sleep" i explain as he chuckles

"Look here come the players" he says pointing to the pitch where Barcelona players are slowly coming onto the field

It takes I want to say 30 seconds before I see Pedri come on the pitch walking and laughing with Gavi.

I sink lower into my seat slowly and look back at my phone that buzzed.

"Aw man, they found a freaking replacement for professor rice." I groan

"What class is that?" He asks

"Statistics" I say reading the email

"See I'm majoring in communications so that was not a required course for me. But like everyone in the house takes it and I want to know why they hate it so much"

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