Chapter 8

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I pull up outside of Pedri's house and much to my surprise there is another car in the driveway.

I didn't really have time to care to so I just Park on the road and walked up to the door.

I rung the doorbell and looked down at my phone seeing a text from Renee saying she ordered the food and it would be ready in half an hour.

I responded quickly and then continued waiting, I began wondering what was taking so long after a minute of waiting.

Just as I was about to ring the doorbell again the door flew open in front of me.

"Hey, uh what are you doing here?" Pedri asks

I notice a few things about his appearance when he opens the door, the first being a dark red hickey on his neck that I know for a fact I didn't leave, his hair was ruffled and messy and he was out of breath completely.

"Who are you doing here" i scoff and pause looking back at the hickey

"I need my purse" I add

"Oh yeah shit, come in" he rushes

I step inside and he closes the door after me and I wait right by the front door as he disappears down the hall

He comes back quickly with my bag and hands it to me. "When am I going to see you again?" He asks

"You are on some bullshit dude" I scoff as he gives me a confused look

"I'm not stupid, you literally have a girl here somewhere and your asking me when you are going to see me" I say

"I am not with a girl" he begins and I cut him off

"That hickey begs to differ" I say pointing it out

"That's old and I'm pretty sure it's from you" he tries to defend himself

"There is another car in the driveway man, and I don't do hickeys so no, it was not me who left that"

Just as he is about to say something back a girl, tge blonde girl from the club to be specific comes down the stairs.

"Is everything alright?" She asks before realizing I was standing there

"Fucking unbelievable" i mutter to myself

She is still far away from me but I still note some things about her. Number one she's wearing one of Pedri's shirts and if I had to assume, she was not wearing pants, she too had messy hair and had smaller and less noticeable hickeys on her neck

"Yeah, actually Emory this is-" he starts

"Nobody important, you two enjoy your night" I say, my tone laced with sarcasm

I take a step back and exit the house walking as fast as I could across the street to my car.

I get in quickly and drive off, I really didn't care that he was with another girl. But I hate lying and I hate liars, to me it's really not that hard to just tell the truth so that just pissed me off

Maybe I was a bit mad about the fact he was still with the blonde girl, it was like jealousy except I had to right to be jealous. It was annoying as hell and I couldn't stand it.

I just went to get the food then I went straight home.

"Ah finally, food" Renee says as I walk in with the food

"What's wrong" she asks upon seeing my face

"I don't know, honestly I have no  idea" I shrug as she comes over to me in the kitchen

My perfect secret- Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now