Chapter 2

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milaasensio - ☀️☀️☀️Tagged: reneesilvaaaaLiked by: pedri, marcoasensio, sandragaral and 3,891 othersComments-Reneesilvaaaa- Amorrrrr^liked by creator^

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milaasensio - ☀️☀️☀️
Tagged: reneesilvaaaa
Liked by: pedri, marcoasensio, sandragaral and 3,891 others
Reneesilvaaaa- Amorrrrr
^liked by creator^

Sandragaral- bonitaaa😍😍😍😍
^milanasensio- te amo^

Alejandrobalde- De vuelta a la escuela mi amiga 😂
^milanasensio- me quedo para siempre^

March 2023

"Mila are you going to go to the lecture tomorrow or not? If you don't go I won't go" Renee asks me while we are sat on the couch eating dinner after our long day of traveling home from out spring break trip

"I don't think so, I'm seeing pedri tomorrow so I won't be doing much of anything" I shrug

"Except him" she counters and I slap her leg in response

"Keep your thoughts to yourself" I hiss as she laughs

"You have been doing this weird secret thing for like a month. I think it's time to tell other people so that
You two can act like human beings with social skills when we see him when we go out." She suggests

"It's just easier this way, plus I don't want to date anyone, especially not him" I explain

"You know what they say about these things, when it's just a physical attraction it's more likely to become toxic" she says

"I just prefer this way, if I wanted to I could totally just go date someone else and it wouldn't be a big deal. But I don't want to because then it would be a big deal, I like low-key things. I don't date" I shrug

"So your the toxic one, odd." She says

"'Maybe your the toxic one."

"I am not, I'm just realistic." She defends

"Well to answer your question I'm not going to the lecture tomorrow,It's just the welcome back thing anyway, you could skip it." I suggests as she sighs

"What if neither of us go and we miss something important?" She asks

"Then go, I'm sure Alex is going. Ask him and you two can go together." I say

"No remember he is still in Positano with Robert and Carlos. They get back Tomorrow night."

"Oh shit that's right. Me and Carlos have a project due Wednesday we haven't even started Yikes" i chuckle

"What class?"

"Social psychology, we are supposed to create and analyze a situation with two people, one with social anxiety and one without. Which reminds me we need you to be a test subject!" I smile as she groans

"I don't even have social anxiety" she says

"I know, we just need to do a response. Like if you did how would you respond vs how Alex will respond" I explain

"Whatever." She sighs

"Don't be so glum, it's for a good cause!" I laugh as she cracks a smile

She looks down to her phone and begins typing as I turn the tv on to the Real Madrid match so I could see my brother play.

"So you're seeing pedri at what time?" She asks me looking up from her phone

"Their training is done at 2 so I'll go to his place at 2:30 I think" I say

"Oh perfect on your way there you need to drop me at Maras apartment, she's gonna take me to the lecture" she says

"Mara totally went off the grid what happened to her?" I ask

"She went to visit her mom in Budapest, so she was really just focusing on that because her mom is sick" Renee explains to me as I nod

"Aw that's sad, I'll catch up with her at the end of the week hopefully" I say

" yeah I'm sure she'd appreciate it" she says standing up and taking her plate to the dishwasher and scraping the food off it

"I'm going to go to bed, remember to turn off the lights" she says as I nod

"Yeah yeah" I joke as she walk down the hall to her room

I turn my attention back to the tv and see my brother entering the match, a smile creeps onto my face as seeing my brother play was one of the few things that made me happy. It was more seeing him live his dreams and do what makes him happy but who cares how you label it.

The match progressed and I slowly started to get more and mor tired.

In the 70th minute the match was still tied at 0-0 and I decided to just go ahead and go to bed. I would just call my brother in the morning and talk about the match anyway so I felt okay with going to bed.

I turned off the tv and put my dishes away and turned off all the lights in the kitchen and the living room before stopping into the guest room and turning those lights off too.

I walked into my room and closed the door behind me and set my cup of water down on my desk before making my way into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before going back to my desk to pick up my water and go to my bed

I get comfortable and then turn on something I could fall asleep to when my phone buzzes

So we are good for tomorrow

I'll come over around 2:30
I have to drop Renee off on the way
So I'll be there when I'll be there basically

Good to know
What do you want to do

Is this a trap?

No no
I just wanted to ask if you had something different in mind than what we usually do

I do not have anything in mind
If you would like to do something else we can
As long as it's indoors

We can do whatever I don't really care

Yeah well I don't care either
So your gonna have to decide and decide fast

Okay bossy

Shut up

You really are just the nicest person to me
It's like I'm dating a loving girl

God I hope not
We aren't dating
And I don't think loving girl is the correct way to describe me
Just for the record

Your odd you know that

I've never heard this one
Enlighten me

It's guys who do the I don't date thing
But your different

I always gotta be different
Never let them know your next move yk

I don't know actually

Ok that's fine
Be difficult
I don't care

Sorry about that
Tomorrow at 230?

Yeah I'll be there around then
See tomorrow

See you

My perfect secret- Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now