Chapter 14

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"Milan?" I hear a voice call and turn around and see Mariana walk in to the living room

"Whats up mar?" I ask standing up pulling her into a hug

"What are you guys doing here?"she asks letting go from the hug and going to hug Olivia

"Well it's your break and we missed you so we thought we'd come visit" oliva says and Mariana smiles and another girl around Mariana's age walks in

"Oh guys, this is my friend Adriana. Adriana this is my sister Olivia and her friend Milan" Mariana introduced us to the girl and we both wave at her and smile

"We are just about to go to the beach so go ahead and change then you guys can come with us" Olivia says and they both nod and walk up the stairs

Finally the last person comes through the front door and it's Olivia's father.

"Livy!" He exclaims and she runs to give him a hug

"Papai!"she squeals

"How have you been amor?" He asks and lets go of the hug

"Good, you?" She asks

"It's been lovely." He smiles and turns to look at me

"Mila! How are you cariña?" He asks coming over pulling me into a hug

"No complaints." I smile and hug him back

"Well I hope you girls have fun at the beach, look out for your sister Olivia." Her father instructs and goes to the back patio wher Olivia's mom is

"I was thinking later tonight we hangout with Lucas and Fransico." Olivia suggests

"Oh man, it's been forever since I've seen them." I laugh

"Yeah, maybe this time around you give Lucas a chance." She winks and I laugh

"Not a chance in hell, it is fun to mess with him though, I'll say that." I say

"Well we can go out with them tonight." She says as Mariana and Adriana come down the stairs

"Can we get something to eat when we get there?" Mariana asks grabbing her beach bag from the kitchen as I walk over to the door

"Anything for you mar." Olivia says and we all exit through the door

As we begin the walk to the beach which wasn't king at all maybe 10 minutes, the sisters, Olivia and Mariana walked together infront of Adriana and I.

I was very outgoing and it seemed that Adriana was not,however I was good a cracking people, and I was determined to get her.

"So you and Mari are in the same year at school?" I ask and she nods

"Yeah, year 2." She says and I nod

"So you're 16 or 15?" I ask

"16, what about you?" She asks

Bingo, once she starts asking questions back that's the first sign you've cracked her

"21, I'm in my third year of university." I say

"Do you like it?" She asks

"Oh yeah, it's great. I have a lot of flexibility so I can do my work and still have time for fun stuff."

"Like parties?"she asks grinning

"I supposed so." I laugh

"What about a boyfriend? Surely you have one, your stunning." She says

"1, thank you I love you for that. And 2, I don't have a boyfriend, I don't date." I shrug

"What do you mean you don't date?" She asks

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