Chapter 6

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"What are you doing" I ask stopping at the end of the hallway

"What do you mean, it's Friday night?" He says sarcastically

"Why is everyone saying that like it's an answer" I say and he gives me a look

"Who?" He asks

"It doesn't matter, that's not what I mean. Why are you talking to my friends?" I ask

"Well technically I was only talking to Renee, the other girl was very drunk so there is no way she even realized I was there" he begins

"I don't care, I don't understand what your doing" I ask

"What do you mean, I was just talking" he laughs

"Whatever it is that you think your getting at you're not, just stop and act like a normal person."i groan and begin walking back rubbing my temple

As I'm walking back down the hallway I feel hands snake around my waist and pull me back

Pedri turns me around to face him before speaking

"I'm not getting at anything, I needed to talk to you anyway so just calm down" he says

"What. I really want to check on my very drunk friend so please hurry it up" I say agitated

"Thursday you left your purse at my house and it had a bunch of your chargers. So if you ever want that back feel free to let me know." He says taking his hands off my waist letting his arms sink beside him

"I'll swing by tomorrow after I see my brother, or maybe I'll come before" I say

"Are you going to their game?" He asks

"Yeah, its girona so it's close enough."

"Alright just text me what your going to do" he says and walks away leaving me in the hall

I rub my forehead in frustration and walk back to the booth seeing Oliva laying her head on the table and Renee now talking with Alex.

"Where we're you?" Alex ask as I sit down and rub Olivia's back

"Bathroom, what's her problem?" I ask

"Her stomach" Renee says

"Wait but she didn't even drink that much. " I say

"Not everyone is blessed with you're tolerance Milan, anyway do you want to go dance?" Renee asks me

"We can't leave liv"I protest

"Go ahead, I'm done drinking and I don't feel like dancing so I'll stay with her" Alex says

"Oh let's dance then" I say and Renee cheers standing up pulling me to the dance floor

"Are they playing all mine?" I ask her yelling over all the surrounding noise

"Yes they are, this is a bomb song my goodness." She says and starts dancing with the rythm

"This just doesn't seem like a club song" I laugh

"Just dance Milan" she groans

I do exactly as she says for the next few songs and eventually I decide to go get my final drink.

"Let's go refil" I say pulling her hand to the bar

"Two gin fizzes please, but make them dirty"Renee asks as the bartender nods

"Nae I'm driving." I trail off

"It's okay, you've only had two others, and you have that extreme tolerance, I'd say you can have two more and 3 shots before you're even tipsy" she says

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