Chapter 15

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"Rise and shine" calls out into Olivia's room that was pitch black due to the black out curtains in her room

"Go away Mar" Olivia calls Out

"It's 10:30 in the morning, get up we are going out on the boat at 11 so you better be up." She says and exits the room as o stand up

"Come on Olivia don't be difficult, let's go." I yawn and walk to the bathroom to change into my bathing suit and I put jean shorts and a tube top over it

"Alright let's go" Olivia says and I pick up my sunglasses and grab my bag and follow her out and down the stairs.

"Finally, let's go now." Mariana says

We all exit the house and begin the walk to the docks. " did you guys have fun last night?" Adriana asks

"I can't really remember, we club hopped so I must've had plenty of fun." I laugh

"Who did you guys go with?" She asks

"Lucas and Fransisco, old friends." I say

"How would pedri feel." She laughs as I roll my eyes

"Hey later tonight you should call him, I want to see first hand if you guys are letting a perfectly good relationship go to waste." She says as I nod reluctantly

"We can try" I shrug

"I bet he's madly in love with you and you just don't realize it." She jokes

"I really hope not." I chuckle

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"Hey so I don't care what Mari thinks, but do you two mind if tonight we hang out with Lucas and Fransisco again?" Olivia asks sitting down next to me and Adriana.

"I don't mind" I shrug and Adriana nods

"Yeah it doesn't matter to me, I'll do whatever you guys want." She says

"Yeah I'm working on that." I laugh and she gives me a look

"What do you mean?" She asks

"I think you might be a little too nice. You are always saying yes and like, whatever you want and all that stuff. It's annoying how nice you are." I explain

"Oh I understand" she laughs

"Yeah you're going to be the next mini me, I just know that." I say

"So soon enough I'll be saying I don't date and having men wait ages for 30 minutes with me." She says and I &nod

"You're already learning!" I joke and she rolls her eyes

"Guys I have to wait for my one true love" I laugh

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