Chapter 3

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"Remember, safe sex is great sex" Renee snickers as I groan

"Get out of my car"

"Always remember that lovely" she sinckers and gets out

"I'll be home no later than 9, tell mara I'm going to text her" I say as she nods and closes the door

I drive off as she walks into maras house waving at me from the door.

I turn up the volume as The Color Violet comes on, it's one of my favorite songs and I just can't ever get enough of it. But much to my dissatisfaction I get a call mid song.

It's just a call from my brother so it makes up for the interruption of the song

"Hello Dear brother" I answer

"Hey baby sister, how was your flight yesterday? I meant to call earlier but I waited to late then I had training." He explains

"The flight was actually pretty good, I didn't get motion sick this time so it went rather smooth"I respond

"However I did catch the match last night, or at least most of it. I went to sleep around the 80th minute. But I saw this morning that you ended up winning" I add

"Yeah very late goals have been saving us recently, nothing to bad though. A win is a win." He chuckles

"From what I saw you played well, the pace was slow but hey you'll be alright" I joke

"Whatever Mila,what are you up to now?" He asks

"Nothing much, I'm driving to meet with a friend,you know Carlos? We have a project due Wednesday." I lie

I usually told my brother everything, like I mean everything. But this was one of the few things I kept.

Him knowing that me and pedri were doing anything together, even if we aren't dating is just recipe for disaster. Starting with the fact he would do anything so that his world's wouldn't collide. Sure I knew people he played with but I had no involvement with them, but it was never an issue because I never wanted involvement. Even now this to me isn't involvement because it's not a relationship. But I don't want to risk the awkward talk about how I'm sleeping with one of his teammates.

"Milan it's Monday." He begins

"That's why we are working on it today rather than Wednesday morning before class" I laugh

"You better stay focused, mama would not be pleased if you start getting bad grades" he scolds as I roll my eyes

"I'm like the smartest person I know, I get all As and I'm a productive student and you know that"

" yeah I'm just messing with you, I gotta go get Sandra from her doctor appointment so I'll talk to you later" he begins

"Oh tell her I say hi. Love you Marco"  I say

"Love you to princesa" he says and I hang up

I look at the time and see 2:45, it looks like I will be there way later than I anticipated as I still had a good ten minutes to go.

"Hey siri, text Carlos: tomorrow morning we need to meet up to do the refleion on our project. Get your data from Alex and I'll get mine from Renee" I command my phone before unpausing The Color Violet and turning the volume back up.


My car makes the sound of the doors locking as I walk up to Pedri's front door click the car key twice, I  was about to pres the bell when my phone started exploding, I took a step back looking at my texts from Carlos

My perfect secret- Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now