Chapter 12

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"When I catch you Roberto, it's not going to be good" i hiss into the phone and end the call

I was currently waiting for Robert to show up at the library to help me with my statistics homework and it was taking him forever and he wasn't answering his phone, I had left him about 6 voicemails and I was mad.

Sorry about that
On my way now
Be there in 10

I'm going to kill you when you get here
Just letting you know


I sigh leaning my head against the book infront of me and immediately pick my head back up when I hear my name, called from text to me.

"Pedri? What the hell are you doing at the library?" I ask as Pedri sits next to me

"Well funny story. I was supposed to be meeting Ferran here after training because he drives himself unlike Gavi, anyway we were supposed to go eat and then I have to help him pick a gift for Sira however he just canceled so I came to the library" he says as I chuckle

"Why the library though" I ask

"I've never been inside and I've got nothing better to do" he shrugs

"What about you, why are you here?" He asks

"Well I'm a student, Robert is supposed to be here and help me with my homework but he decided to be late as hell, as if it's not already 5:30 and I still have stuff to do tonight." I explain

"Like what" he chuckles

"I have to pack, and I have to call my parents, then I have to do my practice exam, shower, eat, call my brother, clean my room, and if I get lucky I'll be able to watch something" I say as he nods

"Where are you going?" Hs asks

"Rio de janiero, I'm leaving Thursday night and I won't be back until next Friday. I've never been more excited and stressed at the same time. I chuckle as he nods

"Why brazil in April?" He asks

"Olivia, the drunk friend, remember her?" I ask as he nods

"Her family invited me to come visit while her younger sister is on a break from school so I'm going to stay with them." I say as he nods

"We haven't seen each other this week though." He adds as i nod

"Tomorrow night I'm free, I'll come over if you want." I propose

"Sounds good to me, just text me a time and I'll just make sure I'm home" he says as I nod

"It will probably end up being after 6" I say

"Do you have class?"

"Well yes but my last class is over at 1:30, we are all hanging out at Fernandas house, well the girls of the group are at least. I don't exactly know what the guys are doing but that's the plan." I explain as he nods

"Well I think that's Robert coming this way now but text me" he say's standing up and waving goodbye before Robert reaches the table

"Bye" I smile as he walks away and to the exit

Robert comes and sits down and I take a quick second to examine him. His hair was wet aswell as his shirt, he didn't smell bad but I also couldn't say he smelt like cologne per usual.

"I was in the shower, I forgot I agreed to this. My fault" he says as I nod

"It will only take like 20 minutes i just don't know how to do this nonsense" I say a point to the paper infront of me

My perfect secret- Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now