Chapter 7

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"Milan!" Sandra exclaims as I walk to our seat

"Hey Sandra! How are you, what's been going on? I ask as she engulfs me in a hug

"I'm good how are you? " I ask

"Man I'm tired, the drive was brutal, like man that traffic was crazy. But I'm here, I made it one piece" she laughs and pulls back from the hug

"I'm just feeling a little unwell, we were out until 2 ish this morning so I'm still hungover"I chuckle

"We've all been there" she says patting my shoulder

"Ah you brought Renee, how have you been?" She asks smiling at Renee

"Good, I'm mostly just tired but I manage" she nods her head

We all continue to talk until players spill onto the ouch and begin warming up.

He looks over from the rondo he's currently in and says something to the guys and they nod at him, he quickly run a over to us after receiving the reaction.

"Hey babysister" he smiles reaching his hand up and over the barrier

"Hey Marco" i smile back reaching and squeezing his hand

"Anything new since February?" He asks

"Nope, oh wait yes. Remember how I was complaining about my professor for statistics? She got fired!" I exclaim as he chuckles

"Good for you! Who teaches the class now?" He asks

"Well right now nobody. We just get work online until the get a replacement but god bless." I say

"After the match make sure you stick around, I have to go back with the team so we can't hangout after but we can after the game next weekend." He says as I nod

"Okay, love you good luck" I say as he smiles giving me a wave before running back


The match ended with Real Madrid winning 2-0, I stayed for about 20 minutes after to talk before Renee and I departed.

"Oh man, Carlos just texted in the group chat. He's on some bull shit" Renee laughs as we are driving back

"What's he saying?" I ask

"Guys, I don't know what's happening, apparently Im hosting a party on Friday that I have no memory of planning. Good thing is you all are invited. Bad thing is I don't know who I invited." She reads his text aloud

"Wow, how does he have no memory of planning a whole party." I laugh

"He's an odd drunk is the short answer to that question" she laughs

"I'm so glad tomorrow is Sunday, I'm ready to just get some good sleep tonight" I say

"We can order dinner and watch a movie if you want" she says

"That would be lovely, we can just go home and chill out for a while then I'll get us food on the way to or from Pedri's house. I have to grab my purse" I explain as he nods

"Sounds good to me" she says as I nod

We arrive home shortly after and I go to my room to quickly grab my laptop because I wanted to send emails to my professors now so I didn't forget Monday

"Who do I email if I have questions about statistics?" I ask Renee as she's sitting on the floor next to my bed

"That's actually a great question, I don't know the answer but a great question regardless" she says as I sigh

"I all my emails done except statistics, I guess I could just go to another teachers office hours on Monday for help. But that's so much work" I groan

"I'll go with you, I have a few questions myself" she proposes


"What do you feel like for dinner?" She asks me

"I don't know, maybe Chinese?" I ask

"I'll order it in an hour, like once you leave I'll order it so you can pick it up on the way back, and we can watch the devil wears Prada." She says as I nod

"Alright, I'll go shower then I'll head out. I feel greasy and disgusting right now" i say as she nods

I get up and walk down the hall to my room, I get in the shower and wash my hair and just enjoy the quiet of the shower before getting out. By the time I'm out I only really have 20 minutes until I should be going.

I change into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt I got from roberts closet that was a Paris Saint Germain shirt.

I walk back to the bathroom and just brush my hair, I leave it natural and wavy before leaving my bathroom and going to my vanity.

I just put on clear mascara and lip balm and grab my keys and wallet.

"Okay I'm getting ready to go now" I say walking into the kitchen as reneee is going homework on the couch

"What do you want me to order you?" She asks

"The Soup you get, I don't know what it's called but that and like spring rolls" I say as she gives me a thumbs up

I slide of my Uggs and grab my water bottle from off the counter

"I'll be back soon" I say leaving the apartment

Pedri's house was only 15 minutes from my apartment so I just texted him on my way down to my car

I'm on my way over right now
Just letting you know

I text him but he doesn't respond, I get in the car and begin driving.

As I'm driving I get a call from Olivia

"Hey what's up?" I ask

"You take social psychology right? With professor Maria?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm in the 4:30 class" I say

"Oh great I got switched to that class because my professor is out for the rest of the year" she says

"Yikes, I mean I'm glad to have you but Carlos is in that class. He still salty" I explain

"Man don't I know, all of the dirty looks he's been giving me is insane. We broke up, it's time to move on" she groans

"It's fine, I'll tell him to be nice" I say as she laughs

"Yeah I doubt he'll listen" she says


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