Twenty-Four. Disaster Eruption

Start from the beginning

"Hoseok! Let's get out of here!"

"WHAT!!! NOOOO! I DON'T WANT US TO...!" He stomps on the head of the one who was fighting. "LET'S GO YET!" claims Hoseok in whimpers.


Jungkook runs to pick up Yoongi and breaking through the roof, reaches Taehyung, pinning him down instantly. Jimin grabs Hoseok by the arm and they both run away. Agust laughs louder and louder, falling to the ground sitting up and pounding the ground.

"DAMN FUCKING STUPID SHIT!" he shouts without breaking into a grin. Part of his hair over his face and dark, thick, foul smelling blood dripping down his chin.

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"They are exactly the same."

"Are you sure he didn't have a twin?"

"Yes. Very sure."

Namjoon taps his chin. Looking like a man with shoulder-length white hair, pale skin and red eyes. It's a very particular mix. His attention riveted on all the photographic evidence obtained. He is troubled by its level of resistance to a comment that seems to be repeated in his three Altered.

"It smells horrible. It smells like a corpse." mutters Jungkook with distaste. "We still can't get the smell out of us.

"Like a corpse?"

"Yep. It smells disgusting" scoffs Hoseok rocking back in his chair. "Agust is Agust, it nooooooooots him, but he smells super bad in difference HE SMELLS THE SAME AS WHEN I LEFT HIM!" spreads his hands with a smile and illusion. "Did he put on the same perfume, was he waiting for me?! IT'S SO CUTE!"

"It's worse than fucking a corpse" Jimin complains to Hoseok's bad taste this time. "He's imitating Hobi. It's like he has no identity. I find it the most boring thing we've ever come across."

"They should have brought him in. Dead or alive." claims Namjoon turning to them. Jimin shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. The new little thing you put around my neck was telling me it wasn't a good idea."

Namjoon squints his eyes. He fitted Jimin with a new gland that secretes hormones from different animals. Mainly felines. All with the intention of having him develop better reflexes and perceptions of the situation he's facing. Perhaps to create that innate instinct of the animals.

That he felt at an apparent disadvantage is a change to the usual, where he would have continued to be indifferent to common sense. Something now told him he wasn't going to make it out alive, and Jimin is extremely interested in staying alive despite his suicidal leaps.

He always knows he will survive.

He always knows he will be able to escape.

There was something different.

"What about Seokjin, has he said anything? Jin sent him all the material."

"N... he hasn't said anything beyond that the alert has gone up a level and that he must discuss something with other higher ups." replies Taehyung and Namjoon takes a look to the right, door through which they could go to see Yoongi. He is still unconscious. According to the readings Jin is keeping an eye on, there is a lot of brain activity and he keeps thinking about the one he saw when Hoseok brought him in.

He has a sunken area in his head. The one that presses on the temporal lobe. There are no twins. Yoongi doesn't remember anything, but at the same time everyone remembers him; this person, "Agust" as Hoseok calls her recognizes them and behaves like Yoongi used to.

"Since your boss sucks, I'll do the job myself." announces Namjoon walking past everyone there. Hoseok is still swaying in place, looking at the arrested image of Agust with katana in hand and looking like a real deranged king.

"Ummmjujummm" Taehyung notices him, Hoseok smiling and speaking to the paused image screen. "Agust stupid... if you knew how to play, I wouldn't have to kill you again, at least it will be fun. Your blood is prettier now.

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"There's... something in your genetic material, but... I-I can't figure it out. I can't find records anywhere about-"

"Search Royal Pharmaceutics." orders Namjoon taking off his gloves. He stares at Yoongi on the gurney. With further examination he finds that there are indeed abnormalities inside him. The problem comes from the fact that he has no way to compare them or find out for himself what they are.

No one could understand Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook without reading their notes. The record is missing and it's the same with Yoongi. He keeps him sedated for comfort. The door opens and his irritation only grows by Jimin walking on the platforms set up for him on the ceiling and walls; the lab looks like a theme park with that on. His manner the more feline he is, the more he likes it.

Even when Jimin bites him.

Price to pay for finding him sexy being a cat, he thinks reproachfully.

"There's something bad going on," Jimin purrs resting his elbows on his knees. "It's about the west side."

"What about it?"

"Another dead one came back out of nowhere" Jimin pouts and Namjoon rolls his eyes. "My little dog, Leeseung, can't handle him alone. He asked me for help."

"I need you here. Hoseok is insane with no one guarding him," Namjoon notifies with a hand on his waist. Jimin stands up and continues walking along the platform two meters off the ground. "I'll send someone else to sort it out... Or are you too eager to go?"

"Of course I do "he purrs hanging upside down. "It's got a lot of nice things I want for myself" Namjoon approaches and Jimin smiles almost tenderly. "And if someone else goes, I won't get them. Besides, he has that little thing you wanted... What was his name? Unob... Unom..."


"That. Leeseung reported it all. It's pounds... and pounds..." Jimin lands on the ground, a little lower than Namjoon who takes back the holographic image, "of pure unobtanium" he purrs smilingly. "Don't you want me to get them for you?" he closes his eyes and rubs his cheek on Namjoon's thigh, part of his crotch with the man stroking his hair. "So you can use them however you want... and get what you want."

Namjoon gives a snort, Jimin looks up, green eyes sparkling in that mischievousness so different from Hoseok's madness. His two masterpieces are quite a case. He adores them both equally. Thing that has Jin in the back: sweating, nervous and shy.

"All right, but only if you bring whatever cargo that deadman. I want it here... and maybe" he lifts Jimin's lip, walking the fangs he has. "Just maybe" Jimin purrs, anxious. "With that you pay for what you asked for last time."

His eyes dilate and he ends up hugging him, more determined to get it. Jin looks back at Yoongi and furrows his eyebrows. He must impress Namjoon. If he gets the blueprints of whatever Yoongi is, he will succeed.

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