In the Heart of the Kingdom

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It was a new day and Jungkook has made up his mind.

"Rosie," he began, turning towards her with a determined expression, "Let's pack our things. We will be going back to Eudaemonia today."

Roseanne's eyes widened in mild surprise.

"Are you sure? We haven't explored much of the forest yet.", she remarked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"I'm sure, Rosie," he reaffirmed her earnestly. "Though I haven't seen much, the forest will always be here. And there is always next time. I can come here again some other time.", he smiled, trying to convince her that he was sure of his decision that morning.

Roseanne nodded, understanding his resolve.

"Well, then. If that's what you say.", she acquiesced, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

As they descended from the tree castle, the forest seemed to whisper its secrets one last time, bidding both of them a silent farewell.

With a gentle pat on the horse's mane, Jungkook swung himself into the saddle. "I'll be back, Crimsonheart." he whispered softly, casting a glance toward the towering trees that harbored his cherished memories.

As they began to leave Crimsonheart, the forest seemed to whisper its well-wishes, leaves rustling in a symphony of goodbye. The journey ahead was marked by the calming breeze and the soft neighs of their horses, symbolizing the beginning of a hopeful new chapter between Jungkook and Roseanne back in the kingdom of Eudaemonia.


At the border of the kingdom, Taehyung and Jimin, the vigilant royal guards, had been entrusted to watch the border as well as wait for the queen's return since the day she left with Jungkook. Today, their observant gaze spotted the familiar figures of Queen Roseanne and Jungkook on horseback returning from their travel. The two guards swiftly readied themselves, their uniforms pristine and their postures regal, as they prepared to greet their revered Queen and her companion upon their arrival at the border.

"Good day, Your Majesty, and welcome back, Jungkook.", Jimin greeted, a glint of recognition in his eyes as they neared.

"Thank you, Jimin. It's good to be back. Have you two been waiting long?", Roseanne replied with a warm smile, acknowledging the guards' presence with a nod.

Both Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other before nodding.

"Actually, we've been here since the day you left. Our comrade, Royal Guard Kim Seokjin, instructed us to watch and wait for your return, Your Majesty.", Taehyung answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making you wait.", Roseanne felt guilty knowing the two of them were placed there to wait for her for days.

Jimin chuckled, "It's okay, Your Majesty. It's our duty. We are always honored to serve you."

Then, Taehyung added, "That's right, Your Majesty. It's our duty. We're glad to see you back."

Roseanne smiled appreciatively, "I'm glad to see you two as well. Now, should we all go back to the castle?"

The guards nodded, then escorted the pair back to Eudaemonia castle. As they made their way through the kingdom, the citizens paused from their daily tasks to bow and cheer for their beloved ruler. However, whispers and curious glances followed Jungkook and Roseanne's companionship, raising eyebrows among the onlookers, especially the young maidens who not-so-secretly admired the man beside their queen.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty," Sir Anthony said, bowing slightly as they arrived.

"Thank you, uncle. It's good to see you.", the young queen replied, her voice carrying the tone of a daughter more than a ruler with the old man.

King: of The Forest And The Land (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें