The Feelings

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At sundown, Jungkook returned from his daily watch duty, his wings carrying him swiftly back to his home. When he entered the tree castle, he was greeted by Roseanne at the door. With a reassuring smile, he extended his hand to her.

"Rosie, it's safe to go there now if you want.", he said, his voice being firm yet in a calm tone.

In the morning, she had asked him about the tree he used to go to monitor the forest's border. She was curious if she could see her kingdom from there since he told her that he saw Mingyu during his monitoring duty. He promised her he would bring her there that evening since he still needed to guard the forest that day.

With a nod, she climbed his back and he took flight, gracefully carrying her through the Crimsonheart Forest until they reached the lofty peak of the tallest tree. Carefully, he placed a soft carpet on the sturdy branches, beckoning Roseanne to join him to sit on it.

"Alright, come and sit here, Rosie," Jungkook said gently, extending his hand as she settled onto the makeshift seating. "Look over there.", he pointed to the peaceful sunset view in front of them.

From the distance, they could see the mountains around and in one direction, a big township could be seen on the lowland far away from the forest. The bright torches lighting up that area attracted Roseanne to look at it longer until she realized something. The large red flag with golden edges reminded her of Eudaemonia.

She turned to Jungkook, "Is that..."

He nodded in return, "That's your home."

Roseanne marvelled at the breathtaking view before her, the kingdom sprawled beneath in the fading light.

"It's my home.", she murmured, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "To see it like this from, I miss it. The castle, the people, my father... I miss them dearly.", she confessed, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon.

He nodded in quiet understanding, his gaze following hers toward the direction of the kingdom, Eudaemonia Land.

"I have sent Whisper there. She will be back with any updates on the kingdom when she comes back.", he let her know.

Her eyes shimmered with a mixture of longing and admiration as she traced the outline of her distant home.

"Thank you for taking me here, Cal.", she said to him, smiling warmly when their eyes met for a short glance.

Jungkook smiled back, his wings shimmering in the moonlit night, "You're welcome."

Moments later, after they cherished the night view quietly, Roseanne chuckled softly with a hint of self-consciousness colouring her laughter.

"I realized we've spent the entire day talking about me. I feel a bit embarrassed now.", she said, her hand covered her face.

He tilted his head, an understanding smile gracing his features as he saw her reaction, "Ah, I see. So, what shall we talk about if not about you?"

She pondered for a moment before a spark of curiosity illuminated her expression.

"Tell me about yourself, Cal. I'd love to know more about you. What's your hobby or something you're passionate about?", she asked, her focus now turned to him beside her.

Jungkook paused, contemplating her question before his gaze wandered to the star-filled sky above their heads.

His finger pointed up, "Well, sometimes I like to observe the stars."

Her eyes lit up with genuine interest, "Stargazing? That sounds interesting! I've only read about the stars in books my teacher gave me."

A gentle smile graced Jungkook's face as he observed the twinkling stars peeking through the darkening sky.

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