The Ending Plan

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The grand castle of Eudaemonia stood resplendent, adorned in banners and flowers, as the kingdom busily prepared for Princess Roseanne's coronation. In the bustling corridors, the castle staff hurried about, meticulously ensuring every detail was perfect for the afternoon's festivities.

However, Roseanne, adorned in her nightgown from the previous night, paced the castle's corridors with a sense of unease. Her heart was filled with anxiety about Jungkook and Mingyu, who had been absent since the previous day. Peering through each window in search of any sign of them, she reached the tranquil Rose Garden, a sanctuary within the castle walls.

Sir Anthony noticed her unrest as he entered the serene garden.

"Your Highness, forgive me for intruding, but you seem troubled," he gently remarked, his concern evident.

Roseanne sighed, her eyes scanning the garden's serene beauty. "Uncle, I am worried about Jungkook and Mingyu. They have been gone since yesterday, and they haven't shown up until now."

Sir Anthony regarded her with an understanding gaze, "I understand your concern, Princess. But have faith, they shall return. In the meantime, it might be wise for you to ready yourself for the ceremony."

She nodded, attempting to compose herself as she made her way to the part of the garden that bloomed the most, "I will. I just...want to take a little breather here first."

"Very well, Your Highness. If you need anything, let me know.", with a bow, he left Roseanne to her thoughts.

As the day progressed, the castle buzzed with activity. Alice and Alicia, two diligent members of the castle staff, rushed to add the final touches to the already splendid courtyard, while Sir Anthony oversaw the preparations, ensuring everything was proceeding smoothly.

In the midst of the whirlwind preparations, Roseanne could not shake the sense of longing and apprehension. Her steps faltered as she wandered to the Grand Hall, hoping for a glimpse of Jungkook or Mingyu on the horizon. She needed them to be there when the ceremony begins or her plan for that day would not be successful.


As the afternoon sun bathed the castle courtyard in golden hues, the air filled with an expectant hush. The time for Roseanne's coronation drew near. Sir Anthony, adorned in his ceremonial garb, gently reminded her of the imminent moment.

"Rosie, it's time to proceed to the stage for the ceremony," Sir Anthony announced to her.

With a resolute nod, Roseanne took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the pivotal event. As the castle staff and guests began to gather around the adorned stage, eager to witness the princess's grand entrance, Roseanne beckoned Seokjin and Hoseok, the diligent royal guards, to her side.

"Seokjin, Hoseok.", she addressed them in a hushed tone, "I need your assistance with something very important before the ceremony begins."

The two guards nodded attentively, ready to fulfill her request. "Anything you need, Your Highness," Seokjin affirmed, his gaze steady.

With a whisper, she instructed them, a glimmer of hope lighting up her eyes.

Seokjin and Hoseok exchanged a quick, understanding glance before nodding in unison. "We'll do our utmost, Your Highness.", Hoseok assured her, and the two guards swiftly made their way to do as ordered by the future ruler of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, the castle staff initiated the commencement of the ceremony. The sound of the ceremonial siren reverberated throughout the kingdom, signaling the start of the grand event. Guests gathered eagerly, their murmurs hushing as they awaited the arrival of the princess.

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