The Hundred Years in Solitary

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"That's the monster! Shoot him!"

"Set him to the trap!"

"Aim his wings!"

"Kill him!"

Kill me? your dreams.

He smirked at the mere mortals under the tree he was resting. Humans had tried to shoot him, set him to a trap, destroy his wings and kill him, but none of them succeeded. He was skilled in defending himself, he knew the forest the best, his wings were gigantic that none of their weapons could destroy them and he was immortal. What a load of fools the humans were, trying to mess around with him.

"Argh!", but that day, an arrow struck his left wing from behind and made him slip to fall with a thud to the hard ground below.

His companions, the trees and the animals were shocked at the incident. They wanted to help him but he refused with one hand raised to stop them.

"Look, he's controlling the entire forest! Kill him and we can take every valuable resource here.", the leader of the mortals said to his men as they saw how everything in the forest was trying to get to the 'monster' to help him.

"Don't you dare to!", the man was pushed till he hit the tree while his men were stepping away at the sudden movement of the 'monster'.

The winged 'monster' then flew the man with him despite a little struggle as his left wing was injured. The man screamed as he was lifted to the air before he was brought to the tallest tree top by the 'monster'. His whole body was shaking as the 'monster' was looking straight into his eyes.

"Tell your people to stop coming here or I will let everything here deal with you."

"What if- if- we still want something- aaahhhhh!!!", the man was screaming out again as he was brought to the other side of the forest where he could see something moving before he realized that it was bones of two big elephants without its skin with one of them was waving its tusks at him.

"Both of them would be glad to eat your skin out of you. Would you like that?"

The man shook his head frantically while asking to be let go as his legs and hands were flailing around in the air.

"Let you go now?", the winged man playfully swung the poor man while he screamed hysterically.

"No! No! Put me down! Gently! On the ground! On the ground! Please!!", the man said before he heard a laughter coming from the winged 'monster'.

Seconds later, he was swung down to the ground where his men were waiting for him.

"Go home and change your trousers."

He looked below at where the winged-man pointed. A few of his men were laughing at him at the view of how he had peed in his trousers. Unable to bear the disgrace, the man makes a hasty escape, shedding tears while disappearing.

"Ask him what he went through and never come here again!", the 'monster' flapped his wings to scare the humans away.

As the sound of the common people running away faded, a blind tiger rushed to the winged-man with his friend, a lion with one canine missing to check on him.

"Caladrius, your wing is bleeding.", the lion, Kion said to the angel-like human in front of him.

"It's fine. It will heal soon.", Jungkook replied as he took off his white mask from his face.

"There's another group of people in the north. They're trying to take down the trees, Caladrius.", the tiger, Tigra, informed the immortal man.

"Where in the north? Take me there.", he said before Kion stopped him. "It's okay, Kion. The wound will heal soon.", he assured the concerned lion.

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