The Bad Omen

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By the night time, the Kingdom of Eudaemonia was full of rumours and bad news within its people due to the death of Jungkook that morning. The people were divided into two sides; one that still believed Jungkook to be a good person and another that was glad that The Nomad Executioner was in the kingdom to punish him. From the evening, people had heard a new rumour that spread like a wildfire about Jungkook.

The rumour reached the castle, building up the tension in the entire kingdom. The people did not know what happened to Jungkook's body when it was brought to the castle that morning but once they found out that he was kept in a chamber of the castle, they started marching together to cause a riot. 

"Throw him away! You shouldn't keep a dead man in the castle! Throw him away!", the loud chant outside the castle interrupted the king's dinner with his daughters in the dining hall.

"What is going on out there?", King Julius asked Seokjin.

"Your Majesty! The people are rioting outside, Your Majesty.", he answered, his eyes were on the ground.

King Julius tried to focus his ears to listen to the people outside. Among their chants, he could hear them saying something about a new rumour but it was mixed up between them.

"What are they talking about?", he asked the royal guards.

Seokjin and Hoseok looked at each other, contemplating whether they should tell the king or not. Roseanne, who stood behind her father, came up to the front. She put her ear on the gate, trying to catch the conversation on the other side of the castle compound. Wendy, on the other hand, was pacing back and forth at the back as if she was thinking hard about something.

"Royal Guards, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok, tell me what the rumour they are talking about.", the king demanded.

Hoseok steeled himself before speaking, "They are talking about the bad omen of keeping Caladrius' body here, Your Majesty."

The father and daughters turned their heads to him.

"Bad omen? What do you mean?", Roseanne asked him.

"Apparently, since they found out that we keep him in the castle, there has been a rumour spreading that keeping a dead body here could give us bad luck if we do not dispose it as soon as possible.", Hoseok explained.

"Who says-"

"Rosie, calm down.", King Julius held Roseanne's hand, reminding her to control herself or the people outside will get more aggressive.

"Who says he's dead? He will wake up, I just need to find out how..", she said softly, tears welled up in her eyes.

Wendy came up with crossed arms, glaring at Roseanne briefly before turning to the king, "Father, I know you don't like me much but you have to listen to me. Just this once, father."

King Julius looked at her quietly.

"Please, father. I won't ask you for anything else if you listen to me just this once. Only this time.", she begged him.

His eyes softened, he knew he never liked her but it was not her fault. She was a product of his negligence when he got drunk at a party held for the kingdom's anniversary twenty three years ago. He never acknowledged her mother, a mere castle staff who seduced him that night but to close her mouth from spreading the news of a prince impregnating a staff, he had to marry her and live with her in the castle until the day she gave birth to Wendy which was also the day she died. Her fate was the same with Roseanne's mother who died after giving birth to the legally royal heiress five years later.

"Fine, Wendy. What do you want to say?", he finally willing to listen to his eldest daughter.

"Thank you, father.", she began. "You may not like what I am going to say but I have thought about it deeply."

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