The Lost Sparks Between Them

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The night enveloped the Crimsonheart Forest in a serene embrace, the old tree castle standing as a sanctuary amidst the rustling leaves. Jungkook and Roseanne lay peacefully on the wooden bed, snuggled up and accompanied by the lullabies of the forest. Amidst their peaceful slumber, Jungkook stirred, sensing persistent prodding against his arms. Groggily waking, he discerned a faint silhouette flitting in the moonlit room, gradually taking form—a bird.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Jungkook's vision cleared, revealing the familiar figure of Whisper, his long-lost messenger bird. Surprised but cautious, he refrained from rousing Roseanne, abiding by Whisper's urgent gestures to remain quiet.

Silently slipping from the bed, he followed Whisper's graceful flight to the table, where the bird perched elegantly. Taking a seat, he smiled warmly.

"Whisper, it's been a while. How have you been?" he spoke softly, understanding the bird's capacity for communication.

Whisper chirped in response, a mix of joy and solemnity in her demeanor.

"I've missed you too," he murmured, a wave of nostalgia washing over him as he touched its beak. "How are you doing? How far have you travelled, Whisper?", he asked.

Whisper cocked her head, her tone infused with a hint of wanderlust, "Oh, the freedom of the skies and the whispering winds have been my constant companions. I've soared to distant lands, explored caves and other forests, and joined other groups of regular birds. It's a new adventure and I enjoy it."

Listening intently, Jungkook smiled, intrigued by Whisper's tales of boundless adventures, "I'm glad to hear you're happy."

Whisper flew to his shoulder, tapping him with its wing, "How about you? I heard you've become one of Eudaemonia's people. How is it living there under Queen Roseanne's rule?"

Jungkook smiled, "Eudaemonia has been wonderful. Rosie and the kingdom have welcomed me warmly."

"Talking about Rosie. How is your relationship with her? When's the wedding happening?", Whisper chirped cheekily, excited to know more about the blossoming romance between the two humans.

Hearing the question, Jungkook just laughed before taking a glance at Roseanne on the bed.

"She's amazing but there's nothing like that between me and her. We are just friends, Whisper.", he said.

"Just friends? How come? She's your true love, Jungkook. She saved your life, did you forget that?", Whisper bombarded him with her disbelief on his response.

Jungkook sighed, nodding as he looked at Whisper, now flying in circles in front of him.

"Don't give me that look. Now, tell me why you said what you just said. I don't like to hear it, Jungkook.", Whisper said, seriously dissatisfied with his words.

"Well, I just...became human again and she had just become a queen of her kingdom. Plus, I am a new person in her would be wrong for me to have a special relationship with the queen, don't you think that way, Whisper?", he tried to explain.

Whisper flew down and sat in front of him, it's wings crossed like how human would cross their arms.

"But I thought her people know already.", it replied coldly.

"Know what?", Jungkook asked.

Whisper scoffed, "Seriously, Jungkook? How dense could you be?"

Jungkook shook his head, frowning in confusion, "What are you...talking about?"

Whisper got up and perched on his shoulder again, "Let me tell you while I hit you in the head."

His eyes widened before he got hit on his head by Whisper's beak.

King: of The Forest And The Land (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin