The Land of Eudaemonia

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As the night began to yield to the soft hues of dawn, Jungkook descended gently upon a serene hillside, just at the outskirts of Eudaemonia. He set Roseanne down with care, then he glanced around, noting the waking world and the first stirrings of life in the kingdom. Turning to her, he tried to hide the sorrow reflected in his eyes.

"We're here," he murmured softly. "I guess it's time we part.", he tried to hide the sadness in his voice, his heart was heavy to say goodbye to her.

She looked at him, her eyes widened, surprised by his words, "What are you saying? You should come with me, Cal."

"I...don't think I can go further into the town. The people might fear my appearance.", he explained even though he was hoping that he could come and see her father's condition to ensure that she is alright before he left.

"But I need you by my side," she insisted, her voice unwavering. "I will tell them that you won't harm them. Please...they are my people. They will listen to me.", she added, trying to convince him to come along.

Jungkook hesitated, his thoughts swirling with caution and uncertainty. Whisper perched nearby, chirped gently, nudging him to consider Roseanne's plea. Reluctantly, he agreed, realizing her determination on him surpassed his own fears. With a nod to her and a silent prayer for acceptance, he put on his mask to conceal his face.

"I will follow you but I will keep my mask on at all times.", he requested.

She nodded back to him, her hand extended to guide him to the town of her kingdom. Whisper flew away to watch over them from afar.

"Let's go.", she said to him.

Together, they walked the cobbled streets, curious gazes turned toward the princess and her enigmatic companion. Roseanne held her head high, radiating confidence, while Jungkook remained cloaked in his mask, a silent guardian beside her. His initial thought of getting mocked slowly faded as he felt Roseanne's hand squeezing his nervous ones in comfort.

As they got closer to the townsfolk, the curious gazes and the nearing murmurs caused Jungkook to lose his confidence. He felt an unfamiliar pang of nervousness surging in again. For the first time in his life, he was scared to face a lot of people outside his safe haven, Crimsonheart Forest.

Sensing his unease, Roseanne grasped his hand gently.

"It's alright," she reassured, her touch a soothing balm to his apprehension.

However, the tranquil moment was interrupted as two men clad in royal guard attire approached them. Jungkook instinctively shifted, positioning himself defensively in front of her, his protective instincts flaring.

But to his surprise, the guards bowed respectfully before him. "We are grateful," one of them spoke, his voice filled with reverence. "You have safely brought our princess home."

Jungkook blinked, taken aback by the unexpected display of gratitude.

"I-I did what was necessary," he stuttered, his mask unable to conceal his astonishment.

Roseanne stepped forward, her presence radiating authority. "Seokjin, Hoseok, please inform the people that he's with me." she stated firmly, her gaze meeting the guards'. "He brought me back safely. He's not a threat." , she added, just enough for the royal guards to hear her voice.

The dedicated guards, recognizing the authority in her voice, swiftly acted upon her request.

"Of course, Your Highness," they nodded in unison before hurrying to make the announcement to dispel any fear or suspicion among the townsfolk.

With a quick gesture, they signalled the end of the announcement. "Please continue with your tasks," Seokjin instructed the bystanders, dispersing the crowd.

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