The Sleeping Handsome in The Woods

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As the carriage ascended the treacherous mountain paths, jagged cliffs loomed overhead, and the air grew thin and cold. The distant echoes of howling winds and the occasional rumble of falling rocks added to the mounting tension. Despite the dangerous terrains, Mingyu and Roseanne pressed on, their determination unwavering.

Upon reaching the forest's edge, the transition from the rugged mountain terrain to the eerie gloom of the woods was abrupt. The forest swallowed the sunset, enveloping them in an unsettling darkness ahead. Twisted trees with gnarled branches cast long, menacing shadows, and the air grew heavy with an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

As they were carefully tracing the uneven path at the border of Crimsonheart Forest, Roseanne was greeted by Whisper, who flew and perched on her shoulder.

"Rosie, you're finally back.", the soft yet nearby voice startled her. "Stay calm. It's just me, Whisper.", the magical pigeon said quietly to her.

She turned to Mingyu on her right. It seemed that he had not heard anything like she did. He was focused on the path ahead.

"Whisper, are you talking to me?", Roseanne whispered nervously to the bird on her shoulder.

"Hm...I know you could understand me.", the bird replied, her voice being laden with incomprehensible pain.

"What do you mean, Whisper?", Roseanne was confused.

Whisper flew in front of her, chirping urgently to the two humans except that Roseanne could understand what it was chittering while Mingyu was confused with its sudden appearance in front of them.

"Tell your friend that he can go back and that you can manage from here with my guide. Tell him not to follow you anymore as it's dangerous for a mere human like him to be in this forest. Tell him now, Rosie."

It was confusing even for her, but she chose to do as the bird said.

She turned to Mingyu, gratitude illuminating her features. "Thank you, Mingyu. I can manage from here."

He looked at her in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

She nodded, looking at Mingyu apologetically, "You don't know my exact destination,'s best to leave it to me and this messenger bird belongs to Cal. I'm sorry I can't bring you along, but Cal is secretive about his home. I hope you understand."

Mingyu's gaze lingered, torn between a desire to stay and a realization that this journey belonged solely to Roseanne and her enigmatic companion.

"Take care, Rosie. If you need anything, don't hesitate to shout. I will come right away to help you.", he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of longing.

With a nod and a soft smile, Roseanne bid goodbye to him as he moved back with his horse. He watched her as she left with the carriage and two horses guided by the flying bird in front of her.

As she got further into the woods with Whisper, she dared herself to speak to it.

"Whisper?", she called the pigeon.

It turned around to see her.

"What is going on? Why am to understand you?", she asked.

Before Whisper could answer her question, a tribe of monkeys appeared to greet her arrival, and some of them went to look for Jungkook in the carriage at the back.

"He's here!"

"He's back!"

"He's not moving!"

Roseanne's eyes widened as she could understand them all.

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