The Guardian of The Forest

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Why is she not scared of me?

One question that had stayed in Jungkook's mind since he brought Roseanne back an hour ago. It never left him even when he was preparing breakfast in the kitchen for her. He was contemplating whether he should just ask her that question or let it remain in his mind until he forgets it by himself.

As he was putting the plate of pancakes into a tray, Whisper came flying into the kitchen and began nagging at him while flying in circles above him.

"Caladrius, what takes you so long? Your beautiful guest is starving in the chamber below. Her stomach has been noisy for a while now, you know?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the pigeon as he finished with the cooking.

"And she seems bored down there. She tried to talk with me and I tried to respond but she did not understand my language so-"

"I am almost done. Go, keep your eyes on her, please.", he said while putting a kettle of tea and a cup on the tray.

Whisper bowed to him before flying out the window to the main chamber below.

"I should just ask her that question."

"What are you going to ask her, Caladrius?", he was startled by the appearance of the blue butterfly on his arm.

"Skydance...", he said her name. "You surprised me.", he added with a smile.

The butterfly fluttered in the air before going to his other arm, "I am sorry but I was excited."

Jungkook frowned at her, "You are excited for what?"

She made a small giggle, "I am excited for you, Caladrius."

"For me?"

"Yes. This is your first time having a guest in your tree castle. She is so beautiful, right?", Skydance asked.

"You already saw her."

"Yes, but I want to hear from you. What do you think of her?", she inquired.

The question made Jungkook think for a moment.

"You think she is beautiful too, right?"

He nodded without a word.

"I knew it!", Skydance's excited tone made him shake his head.

"No, I did not mean that.", he tried to deny it.

"Caladrius, you should go downstairs now. I saw her talking animatedly with Whisper, saying how empty her stomach is.", the neighbouring redwood tree spoke from the window.

He looked at it before turning back to Skydance, "You guys...better stay quiet when I am downstairs."

"No promises.", Skydance flew out, disappearing below while the tree's words were making Jungkook worry.

"We will try."

"We?", he went to the window and looked around.

He sighed, looking at the trees around his tree castle, their leaves danced slowly with the wind and their chatter blended together creating an excitement that he did not thrilled at all.

"You guys, please act normal and don't make her uncomfortable.", he reminded them again.

"We are normal."

"Our leaves move naturally. It's not an act."

"You're the one going to make her uncomfortable."

Jungkook groaned in annoyance before he was interrupted by Whisper's appearance again.

King: of The Forest And The Land (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें